Chapter 10 - Love you, Ani

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Hester's POV (yes I'm finally going back to the Hestadil chapters):

All of Hester's instincts were telling her to go to Anadil, comfort the Albino witch, give her a shoulder to cry on; but Anadil broke her promise, and she wasn't ready to forgive, she wasn't sure she would ever be ready to forgive. Nonetheless, it took all of Hester's strength not to break down into tears at the sight of her Anadil sitting in a ball on the very path they met on all those years ago...

Hester had travelled to Bloodbrook on a mission for the new School Master. After the battle for Camelot, Hester and Dot had decided to stay and do the School Master's dirty work in order to make a living, unfortunately these missions were often just errands, Go talk to this and that, go get this from the merchant in Jaunt Jolie ecetera ecetera. Hester couldn't complain though, as they had a roof over their heads and food on the table. This particular errand brought her to Bloodbrook, nothing out of the ordinary, but then she saw Anadil, her Anadil, for the first time in years. After having stood, hidden behind a tree, for countless minutes, Hester finally decided it was time to leave.

She tried to sneak away, but the autumn time always left many crunchy leaves on the floor, and it proved hard to not alert Anadil she was there. In the end, she focused so hard on not standing on leaves, a stick cracking under her heel was what gave her away. The white haired witch flicked her head around and scanned the area until her blood red eyes rested on Hester, who had gone pale as a sheet.

"Well..." Hester started. "Hester?" Anadil's pale face was streaked with tears. "Hey, Ani..." She bolted up, "What are you doing here?" It was hard to tell if she was angry or surprised; Hester settled on a bit of both, "an errand" was all she could muster in return. Anadil's face changed again, but this time she couldn't pin point exactly what expression it was making, which was unusual for the normally emotionless witch, "how long have you been standing there?"
"I... Lose count. I don't know."
The two stood in silence for a moment, that seemed more like an eternity. "What are you doing here?" Hester tried to break the silence. "Am I not allowed to visit my home once in a while?" Anadil snapped. "I never said you weren't" Hester replied, "I also don't know why you are mad at me, I'm not the one who left." The last phrase hung in the air, long after it had been said. "I wasn't happy, if you truly cared about me you would see that and let me go." Anadil whispered, "but why weren't you happy? What did I do?" Hester begged. "It's not about what you did do, it's about what you didn't do!" Hester took a step back, "What?"
"I... I loved you Hester."
"Loved? You don't anymore?"
"Well, no. I moved on, and you should too."
Anadil rushed off, Hester watched but didn't chase after her; it was as if the weight of this new information had left her rooted to the spot. Eventually, she gave in and sunk to the ground against the tree and let herself cry.

6 years ago - Malice tower, room 66:

"Heh, maybe that was finally enough to scare Sophie away. Apparently she has resorted to staying with Hort. Can you believe?" Hester shut the door behind her, it creaked painfully before finally clicking into place. "I kind of feel bad for her, she just wants her happy ending..." Dot sighed from the corner of the room. "Who's side are you on, Dot? Honestly..." Anadil rolled her eyes, "sometimes I wonder if you were put into the correct school" Hester mumbled. "Sometimes I do too, if I'm honest." Dot nodded. Hester sat down next to Anadil on the rickety bed, "hey," Hester whispered. "Hey," Anadil replied. Across the room, Dot yawned, "I'm going to bed, Sophie told me the trick to her fresh skin is a beauty sleep, I'm going to try it." "Ugh, why do you listen to anything she says, she isn't all amazing you know." Hester huffed. "Is someone jealous?" Anadil smirked, "!" Hester was taken off guard, "hm, sure. Well, I think you are cuter than her."
"If that came from anyone but you they would be dead right now."
"That's because I would have killed them, no one is allowed to call my Hester cute but me." Hester went red, "Your Hester?"
"Oh, uh..." Anadil blushed. "Now you're the one being cute." Hester regained herself. Anadil crossed her arms and told Hester, in a grump, "I'm going to bed"
"Alright then" Hester smirked, before getting off her bed. Anadil climbed under the covers, and as she drifted off, she could swear she felt lips against her cheek, and Hester mumbling, "love you, Ani."


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