Chapter 14: 1997-1998 (updated: 09/10/22)

Start from the beginning

The big day arrived and you and Penny made your way to 12 Grimmauld Place. It was an old house and apparently the headquarters for the new Order of the Phoenix. When you entered, you started looking around at the few other people who had been invited. Due to the anti-werewolf legislation and mounting pressure from the wizarding war, there were only nine people attending the wedding besides yourself and Penny. Penny saw you glancing around, grabbed you by the hand, and said, "he's not coming. Tonks told me he's away on a mission and couldn't make it."

"Oh, I was..." you started. "It's ok. It's probably better this way."

"Yeah" said Penny, then she gave your hand a small squeeze before letting it go.

"Besides, I'm with Henri and I'm happy." You tried to look happy but you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Talbott was your first love and you hadn't seen him in almost six years. Part of you had hoped to see him at the wedding.

Penny smiled at you, then said "come on, the wedding is about to start."

The two of you made your way into a large room and watched as one of your best friends married the love of her life. 


The following week you were back home and eating breakfast when your owl, Chouette, flew in with the post.

"Bill and Fleur are getting married!" you shrieked when you opened the invitation.

"Is everyone getting married this summer?" Penny asked with a laugh. "When is the wedding?"

"Next month! It's going to be at Bill and Charlie's parents' house in Devon. I'm going to tell Henri!"


August 1997

You, Penny, and Henri made your way up to Devon and checked into a little bed and breakfast. The morning of the wedding you had gotten dressed in a dark blue dress then finished your hair and makeup. You called out to Henri, who was getting ready in the bathroom, "Henri, can you come out here and zip up my dress?"

"Oui" he said as he exited the bathroom and made his way over to you. You pulled your long pink waves to the side and he slowly traced down your spine with his finger before zipping up your dress. He kissed you on the cheek and said "you look lovely, mon cheri."

"And you look..." you turned around to face Henri, he was wearing a suit with a dark blue jacket and bronze tie, the same kind of suit Talbott wore on your very first date. There was a lump in your throat and you couldn't finish your sentence.

"We match!" said Henri with a smile.

"Yes we do," you said and you offered a small smile in return.

You and Henri walked down to Penny's room, then the three of you walked down to the Burrow together.

"Kendra, Penny, well don't the two of you look lovely!" said Mrs Weasley as she welcomed you to the party.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley! And this is Henri, my boyfriend," you replied. 

"Enchante!" said Henri then he kissed Mrs. Weasley on the cheek.

"Oh my," she replied. "Bill. Bill!! Kendra and Penny are here."

"Kendra!" Bill exclaimed as he walked over to greet you. He gave you a big hug and said, "Thank you so much for coming! Hello Penny! Fleur, Fleur dear, come here, I want to introduce you to more of my friends from Hogwarts." Fleur made her way over to the four of you and Bill said "This is Kendra and this is Penny." 

"Hello, it's nice to meet you," she replied.

"And this is..." Bill looked at Henri trying to remember his name. The two of them had never met, but you had sent Bill a few owls about him.

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