The Diary of King Revron

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a week later

Cyrus was sitting in a living room, reading a book while Sera was taking a nap with her head laying on a pillow on his lap.

He was reading his favorite book called "The Historiarum Chronicles."

Although it happens rarely, there was a storm outside. Cyrus suspected it's the Water Royals doing this mess to annoy him since he said he won't be meeting with Princess Aqua because she does too much and Princess Aqua said he was mental. Anywho, he wasn't even going to pay them any mind.

As he was reading the book, another big book came out of nowhere and landed beside him.

Cyrus looked to his left immediately.

"What in the lava?!"

He examined the book and put the book he was reading, down. "Wait, hold on! This is my father's diary!"

He tried to open the book but it wouldn't open.

Cyrus groaned as he tried to open it.
"Why is it so tough?"

He looked at Sera to see if she was waking up by the sudden movement and noise he was making but she was still knocked out. When he stopped trying to open it, the book opened itself.

"Really." He said with frustration

As Cyrus tried to flip the pages, it wouldn't flip. It's like the pages were glued with an extra hold super glue.

Cyrus made a face. "What in the-"

The pages in the book started to glow a red light. Then it flipped by itself. It continued to flip until it reached an entry, "A Big News."

Cyrus began to read.

June 20
A Big News

Today has been a crazy day and to top it all off..Ryelle told me some very interesting and extremely exciting news. Now, Ryelle always has something crazy and interesting to tell me was different. Seven and a half years ago after we had Ruby, the doctors told us that Ryelle will not be able to conceive again because something went wrong as she was delivering Ruby. Now, of course that was sad to hear because we are still pretty young and more kids is what we wanted. But, the doctors said no. Even if she's deadly. I care about Ryelle so much. So if another kid is what we can't have, then so be it. I'm fine with two kids. But oh boy. Today..Ryelle told me she's pregnant! I said, "Oh my lord! But how?" She said, "I don't know!" We were worried because..the doctors said she can't conceive and if she does it could be deadly. We talked to the doctor earlier today and he said that it's very interesting how she's gotten pregnant. Although it's not rocket science to know that the reason she's pregnant is because of God's amazing grace. Anyways, he said with advancements in technology, Ryelle should be just fine. We were so glad to hear that news. In 18 weeks, we will find out if it's a girl or boy. If it's a girl, I would like to name her Hestia, Anala or to give a "futuristic" modern twist, Blaize. But if it's a boy, Kenneth. No other name but Kenneth. That's what I want."

Cyrus took a deep breath.
The pages in the book started to flip again.
It landed on an entry, "It's a ..."

October 4
It's a...
Finally! We now know the gender! It's a boy! Oh I am overjoyed. Of course, I would still be very happy to have a girl but a boy is spectacular. That means two boys, one girl. I am so happy! Ryelle is so happy as well. Her belly is growing everyday as the new life inside of her is growing as well. I am so happy. BUT, this pregnancy is being very difficult for us. She's been feeling immense pain around her waist and she was even urinating blood clots. She's on some medication to help prevent the clots but her waist pain is the issue now. We don't want her on too much medication for the baby so we've been doing pyro-healings to help her out which does..but for a meanwhile. When it's nighttime, it becomes worse. So what I do is get a wet wash cloth and make sure it's SCORCHING. Then I apply it to her waist. It usually helps her sleep for the night. Of course, funny jokes and waist massages is what seals it up too. Now you're probably like, "Why did he say 'us' when she's the one feeling the pain?" Not true! In a marriage, if you really LOVE your spouse, if you're really in love with them, their pain is your pain, their headache is your headache, their irritation is your irritation, their happiness is your happiness. If they're lonely and sad, you'll be lonely and sad. There's no in between. Honestly, if you have immense love for someone you feel their pain as well. Like my kids, if their upset, sometimes I'll be upset as well. That's how love works. If you can accept that, love will be as sweet as brownies for you. Alright, I have to stop writing this entry. I hear Junior and Ruby arguing. Again."

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