• Chapter Nineteen •

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My eyes were closed. I was in bed. Did I fall asleep? I don't remember... As I slowly opened my eyes I realized what day it was. I'm going to have to show Dumbledore that book... and I'm going to the lake with Harry today! I can't wait!

But the sudden pain didn’t let me open my eyes completely. My arms and legs, head and spine hurt. I began to panic slightly. Then I heard people around me talking.

- Harry! She's awake! Harry!

- Give her air, people!

- Let me see her! Wait!

- Y/N? Can you hear me?

When I finally opened my eyes, a strong light blinded me. The pain intensified, and my brain worked at the speed of light in an attempt to figure out what was going on.

- Y/N! Thanks Merlin you're okay! - Harry made his way through the foggy crowd and sat on the bed where I was lying.

- Harry? - I tried to speak.

- Don't bother, Y/N/N. Take it easy, please.

I looked around slowly. I'm in the Hospital Wing? I remember a little bit of darkness in a strange place... There were a lot of students. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, Katie, Alicia, Oliver, Draco, Cho, Padma, Parvati, Lavender, Dean, Seamus, Neville, Luna... also Madame Pomfrey, Hagrid, professor McGonagall and Dumbledore.

- Why am I here? What happened? - I asked.

- Calm down. You're in the Hospital Wing, Y/N. You're hurt. Don't worry, everything's fine now, you're alive and that matters. - Hermione explained calmly.

- I obviously understand that, but--... - I sighed as another rush of pain silenced me.

- She doesn't remember anything - Harry whispered - It's okay, it's okay, don't talk or move if it hurts.

As everyone looked at me with gentle smiles full of hope, I slowly tried to remember anything. Looking at the ceiling, I felt a burning sensation on my right arm. I slowly tilted my head down to look. Almost all my arms are bulging in the bandages, but behind the bandages on my wrist I still could see the bright veins.

After a few minutes of listening to the whispers and commotion, the pain was much less and I was able to speak without interruption and look up slightly.

Watching Harry my heart slowly broke. He had patches on his face and bandages on his arms just like me. His hair was messier than usual, bangs falling to his eyes and slightly distorted glasses, and his scar was so bright red again.

- What happened to you? - I asked in a cracked voice.

- If you allow - Dumbledore's solemn voice was heard - nothing can convey anything better than words. But in this situation, when you both run out of words, maybe it's better to see what happened last night.

- How do you mean, professor? - I asked.

- You may not remember at this point, but in my opinion, memories never disappear completely. They all live deep in our heads and sleep, and now it's time - he slowly pulls out his wand and puts the top on my temple - to wake them up.

- Albus, I don't want to kill you in the notion - McGonagall started - but she doesn't remember anything, how can you extract her memories if she doesn't think about it.

- Minerva, I know what I'm doing. Now, Y/N. Just think about the last thing you remember. All the voices you've heard, put it all together in a clear thread.

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