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Junhee took a deep breath. He made the post it to a little ball and threw it to the class's trashbin. Soonyoung who sat next to Junhee already intentionally humming in anger to them. But they seemed to ignore. One bursted in laughter.

"You stupid bitches!" he screamed and pointed at the one who laughed.

"You think this is funny huh? As much as you think he's ugly, he actually busy of getting missions! And what have you done?? Are you better than Junhee??"

"Soonyoung, shut up," one of the students said, "who are you to defend Junhee? You are too also only a young and winged because they're swayed by your visuals,"

Soonyoung put his head as deep as he can. A few seconds he went silence. But his body shivers, a chuckle let out from his mouth. When he faces everyone, a wide creepy-grin plastered all over his face. Everyone stared at each other, waiting for someone to talk. But none had guts.

"I may not have the same struggles as Junhee is facing, but that doesn't mean I won't attack against discrimination," Soonyoung said, his smile got wider, "but you're right, I'm here just because I have this FUCKING face that somehow most angels thrive for. I'm weak, I can't even catch up to the crap we learned! But at least I don't waste my time muttering bullshit!" 

Soonyoung laughed as he went back to his chair. Hui tries to calm him down. Junhee can totally hear Soonyoung sobbing, but he doesn't know how to react.

That's when the uniquely looking teacher with the horns walked in to the class. He was wearing rather open clothes, in which most female angels are usually a taboo thing to wear to a formal place.

But he knows his teachers bends the rules and whatnot, even her existence of having devil horns might be against the norm. But throughout the day, he wouldn't listen a thing. Which isn't very him, but he's too busy thinking about how low people percieve him.

Is he ugly? Is he really that unappealing as a creature?

He doesn't know why he started letting these dark thoughts hunt him.

But after a long session of rambling from various trainers, suddenly the time has come to an end for today's training. Before he walked out, Ms.Hyejin blocked him.

"Excuse me. I have something to tell you,"

Junhee smiled, "Sure,"

"Donghun wishes to meet you at his palace personally," Ms.Hyejin said, patting his shoulder, "I heard a grand mission awaits you, congratulations!"

Another mission? He took a deep breath. It has only been a day since he's released of his earth mission, does he not deserve a twenty-four hour break? But that thought flew as he soared up to the skies to search the God's Palace. A bit far but the wind flows the same direction as where he's going.

He landed in front of the palace grounds. It's been awhile since his last arrival here, the last time was nine months ago when he just arrived and can't even properly step on the ground. But now he arrived with her own wings, confidently stepping into the palace halls. He passes a few turns and a few archangels that work there, until in front of him a golden door rises up. In the round dining table, Donghun and Chan sat there with the smell of roasted chicken greets Junhee.

Junhee bowed deeply at Donghun before sitting in a chair next to Chan. But rather than focusing on Donghun's presence, they busied themselves with an intense eye contact and cute acts. Donghun hummed for both of their attention.

"Excuse me, shall I start on explaining why I gather you too here?"

Breaking his bubble of thoughts, Junhee embarrased to say anything while Chan bowed in his seat.

"Ah, yes! Sure, your majesty. Please elaborate."

"So since the creation of the portal to Sealandia, sea missions aren't mostly set on the halo's system just yet. So I have to manually appoint it myself."

Before Donghun continued, Junhee who has been in confusion araised his hand, "Excuse me, portal to Sealandia?"

"Chan haven't told you yet during your worktime on earth?" Donghun lifted his eyebrows.

Chan crossed his arms and huffed,"It was going to be a suprise that I was going to show today."

"Oh... I'm so sorry!" Donghun said in a sincere tone as he saw Chan in a dissapointed in a slightly grumpy manner.

"It's fine. But I'm curious. Why are I and Junhee here together? Are we like... Have similar missions?"

"Nope, not similar. In fact, you will be partners on this mission," Donghun paused for a second, smiled seeing the shock expression of both guys, "my request is to send a letter to Auberon. I'm sure their leader can elaborate more clearly about what your mission is after he read the letter."

That word shocked Junhee's whole body. A word he haven't heard in ages. And hoped it never got mentioned again. 

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