honeymon pt4 (for real)

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HELLO! IT I I, SOCRATES (@THE_REAL_SOCRATES on twitter, hmu babes xoxo) BACK AT YA WITH ANOTHER CHAPTAAAAAAA! i do apologise for my bastard boy intern john, and rest ashured he has been fired (obviously. we cant be havingsuch  propostirous language on my secular PhilosopyOV wattpad account.) 

anywayz. hope u enjoy!!!! cant wait to here the praise of my thousnds of fans in the comments bellow xoxo


{POV: u and socrates are vibing at the beach. ur sexy sexy holiday is going rather sexily. but... socrates has a not-so-sexy secret that will change everything 4eva!!!!!!!! :OOOO)

Socrates: Heyyyyy babe I made dinner! Well, you made it. I put it on a plate.

Y/N: Oh, socrtates... i love you more than you love philosophy. 

Socttrates: thanks i guess. 

You both eat. Both soc is more silent than usual. 

Y/N: soc? r u ok?

SOctres: hhmph. 

Socrates looks v distracted. he is staring out a window like kids do when their pretending to be in an MTV music video. 

Y/N: Socrtst?

Soctretatts: war.

Y/N: wot?

Socrtates: im thinking about the war. back home.

Y/N: why, babe? war is sad.

Socrttest: yu dont understand. when ur a cool philsopher lke me u hav to constantty think about sad things. and when the hole of athens is on the brink of war, i hav to think about it.

Y/N: okay. then i will think about it 2. so ur not alone < 3

You wrap your arms around socrates. 

Y/N: but i am woman and do not no about politics or current affares, so can u tell me more, so i can think about war too?

Socatetss: of course. Sparta wants to kill athens. and its not like i really like democracy, but ill be damned if sparta destroys my home. 

Y/N: Wow socrates, you care so much. ur so brave and kind. 

Socrates; i am, tis tru. 

Y/N: so is athens going to go to war with sparta??

Soocrates: we are already at war. an idiolodgical war. war of the minds. 

Y/N.: wow. 

Socrates: i know. 

Ring ring. The phone rings. socrates answers it.

Socrates: helo?

Mysterious voice: (muffled so u cant hear it)

Socrates: oh.

Mysterious voice: ( muffle muffle)

Socrates: i accept. good bye.

Socrates put down the phone. he walks over to you.

Y/N: Who was that? 

SOcrates: it woz the president of athens. 

Y/N:  (big gasp) what did he want? 

Socrtates; he wants me to go to the battle of potidaea. i am, after all, not just the greatest philosopher in athens, but the greatest soldier.

y/N: *cries*

Socrates: oh no, dont cry

Y/N: *stops crying* i just.... ill miss u, uwu

Socrates; and ill miss you. but it is my duty to my state to kill a bunch of spartans

YN: ok... if u rly want to, i support u

Socrates emotionally holds your hand. 


what an incredible chapter. better than anything that stupid john could write. hey john if ur reading this, ur stoopid and i hate you. 

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