The Wedding - Part 3

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{POV: You and Socrates have had your BIGGEST. FIGHT. YET. and you arnt talking. But with one final romantic jester by socreates, will he win you back once and for all!!?!??!?!?! ALL WILL BE REVEALED IN THIS CHAPTER!! ! !  ! !!}

Y/N, mouth full of ice creaem, sobbing: why did socraaaate do this to me *sobs* *sobs*

Your (gay) best friend: OMg queen he DOES not deserve u babe!!!!! u slaaaaay and that old philosopher man is stinky and gross

Y/N: I-I love that old philosopher mand!!!!! *Sobbbs* we.... we tok off our shoes off 2togethr...............

Your GBF: huneeeeey! u are WAAAAYYYYYY too good for that slimey greaseball! i wont let a queen be sad about this for ANY LONGER! lets watch Rhodes-Pallas' Drag Race !!!!

Y/N: oh, you always know how to cheer me up :)

*you and your GBF eat icecream and chips and watch the drag queens strut their stuff on your tiny ancient greek television set, when suddenly, Socrates nocks on tha door*

Socrates: let me in, Y/N, we need to talk


*you return to your show, but Socreates keeps nocking!!!!!*

Socreasse: Y/N!!!!!!!!

GBF: She doesn't want to talk to you, hunny! Talk a walk!

*the nocking ends. you think you are safe, until you see socratease has CLIMBED THRU UR WINDOW!?!!?!?!??*

Socreatetssess: Y/N! We need to talk. 

Y/N: I don'tw anna talk socrates!!!!!! you broke my hardt!!!!!!

Socrates:babe, no  i can explain! plato was lyin!!!!

Y/N, crying again: whhhat?? relay? *sobs* SOB*

SPcrtes: *hugs u tenderly* yes babe, he was salty abt how i rejected him so he tried 2 ruin our marraige!!

Y/N: *thinks carefully* Socrates, wait here. I need to do something... 

Sportacus: okay babe, hurry back tho bc we need to srot this out!!!

Y/N: nkock nkock!!!

Plato: Y/N???? Wot are u doing here...

*Plato is wearing his robe and NOTHING ELSE?*

Y/N: why are you wearing your robe and nothing else?

Plato: Uhhhhhh- I? Uh! UDHsmzimqheu!

Aristotle: hey babe, who was at the door- HUH?

Y/N: Aristotle>>>>?????????????????????????

Plato: i promis its not what it looks like!!

Y/N: what? that ur sleeping with affleutn philosppher Aristrudel?????

Plato: uhhhhhhhhhhh-

Aristotle: yea totally lmao heheheheheh

*aristotle appears at the door and smooches Plato on the CHEK!!!!!!*

Y/N: I see whats goin on here... 

Plato: nooo, but--

Y/N: u wre NEVA sleeping with socrat"!!!!!!!! u were jsit trying 2 ruin our marraige

Aristotle: *anime gasp* is tha true?

PLato: ofcourse not! I have proof-

y/N: dont wanna hear it! im LEAVING

Pato: wait!

Aritstotle: dont waste your time on her. waist it on me ;)

*You rUN BACK TO YOUR TRUE LOVE, SOCRATES, whois now watching  drag race on the couch and eating your icecream*

Y/N: O socrat, how could i ever doubt you?

Socrates; I-

*you make out*

SOcrates: so u wanna get married?????

Y?N: frick yea lets elope 

*OMG okay so basically You and Socrates elope!!!!!! I dont know what that means but your married now yay!!!!*

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