ch 50 - proposal for bondita

ابدأ من البداية

peter - yes guys come on lets go 

everyone nods and left for williams house  

all reach there ...

albert - peter go show the house 

peter - yes ..

come everyone i will show the house 

peter was showing the house when they saw peter's father photo where he is in uniform of lord general of east India company ..

 bondita - peter you never told that your father work under east india company 

peter - we never talked about our families so i didnt described it .

but dont take tension i know what you are thinking,but belive me my father are not like others ,he is not all cruel ..

bondita- when did i say like that 

let it go , are you showing the rest of the house?

peter - yes yes why not ..

they were watching the house when suddenly bonditas eyes strike sometghing weird 

 she saw a little girl of 10 -12 year old was sitting in a window like a lifeless doll .

 no expression on her face , she seen her through a narrow opening of door , so was to enter the room 

peter -  bony    where are you going ..

bondita - peter who is she 

is she your little sister 

peter - yes she is  my little sister charlie..

bondita - what had happened to her ..

why she is sitting like a lifeless 

peter - actually about 2 years ago after returning fro school one accident had taken lace where i lost my mother and the whole incident was watched by her from that day she had gone silent neither she talks or says anything  nor she is cheerful like she before was ..

now even she doesnt get hungry too we only feed her..she doesnt play with toys or anyone else 

bondita - can i go and talk to her 

peter -yes you can but i dont think so she will respond to you ..

bondita goes into the room where as everyone rushes to hall .

bondita goes towards her and caress her hair .. she too turn and see her ..

 bondita lift her and bring towards bed and make her lay on the bed and she too sit beside her 

she starts patting her and sings a lullaby which anirudh sang for her when she was scaring and broken down when thakur was misbehaving with bondita ..she sings the lullaby for her

  " surmaiyi ankhiyon mein ,

        ek nanha munha spana de ja re ,

                   nadiya ke udate pakhi re,

                    ankhiyon me aa ja sathi re ,

                  ra ri ra rom o ra ri rom ,

                   ra ri ra rom o ra ri rom"

listening to her melodious voice everyone sitting in the hall come towards and see bondita patting on charlie's head and she is smiling ..

and she suddenly get up keep her head on bondita 's lap and hold her one hand  ..

here seeing charlie smiling and responding to somebody after two year makes peter as well as albert shocked ..

they are just watching the duo from outside the room ..

              "surmaiyi ankhiyon mein ,

       nanha munna ek sapna de ja re 

                saccha koi sapna de ja 

            mujhako koi apana de ja   
           anjaana sa, magar kuchh
               pahachaana sa
            halka fulka shabanami
              resham se bhi reshami

suramyee ankhiyon mein ,
nannha munna ek sapana de ja re 
nindiya ke udte paakhi re ,
ankhiyon mein aaja saathi re ,
       raa ree raa rum o raa ree rum ,
        raa ree raa rum o raa ree rum

raat ke rath par jaanewaale,
    nind ka ras barasaanewaale,
   itana kar de ki meri ankhen bhar de,
ankhon men basata rahe ,
sapana ye hnsata rahe ,
surami ankhiyon mein

surami ankhiyon mein ,
nannha munna ek sapana de ja re
nindiya ke udte paakhi re,
ankhiyon mein aaja saathi re,
raa ree raa rum o raa ree rum ,
raa ree raa rum o raa ree rum ,
raa ree raa rum o raa ree rum,
raa ree raa rum o raa ree rum."

Everyone was happy seeing Charlie smile as Peter has stated that she hadn't responded to anyone after the incident ...

Albert ask everyone to come in hall and let the duo have their time ...
As he doesn't want Charlie to get disturbed as she ha dsmiled after a long ..two years ..

Everyone was chit chatting in the hall when peters father arrived and and everyone in the hall greet them and he rushes towards his room to get freshed ..

When he was passing by as the door was still open he saw Charlie sleeping peacefully in bonditas lap and still smiling in sleep too ..

He stops for some time and wonders who the girl is and thinks to get fresh up and ask her ...

He returns and sees bondita is still sitting there with Charlie's head on her lap ..

He then moves towards the hall..

Peter- guys , he is my father Mr Daniel Williams
The person whose photo we had seen before ..

Daniel - hi everyone ..
Peter whose the girl inside Charlie's room ..
I hadn't seen Charlie like this from that day she is sleeping with smile on her face and taking a peaceful sleep

peter - dad she is bondita das but we call her as bony ..

yes we too saw charlie ...

dad you know when bony was singing lullaby charlie was lying and suddenly  she got up and placed her head on bony's lap and holded her hand and smiled at her ..

Anidita  ...a new beginning (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن