05. you'd have me down, down, down on my knees

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sorry this is boring

ashton's outfit at the top (minus the giant ass purse.) you know gotta have my boy lookin cute


"okay, okay. this one is really funny."
luke promises for the billionth time since he started telling me these awful jokes. "are you ready?"

we're sat on the couch in michael's living room with everybody loves raymond playing quitely on the tv. luke is slouched is the center of the couch with his arms folded behind his beanie clad head. i'm lying on my side facing the tv with a bored expression, my legs thrown carelessly over his lap.

i sigh painfully, "i suppose so."

"what did the pirate say when he turned 80?" he asks, biting his lip to contain a poorly hidden smile.

"what did he say?"

"eye - matey!" he exclaims, falling backwards as laughter tumbles from his mouth.

i stare at him unamused, replying with a monotonous. "ha ha ha ha. please wow me with more of your hilarious jokes."

"well only if you insist, my dear." the sarcasm in his voice matches the grin on his face too well. "why did the tomato blush?"

"tomatoes are re--"

"because it saw the salad dressing!!"

"please stop this, oh my god." i laugh despite myself because it was so stupid it makes it funny.

"n'aww. see, there's that laugh i was waiting for. it's like music to my ears." luke sighs dramatically. he coos at me, reaching to pinch my cheeks.

i smack his hands away, blushing. "shut up, luke."

"why do my complements make you too happy for your own good, irwin?"

i glare at the ever present grin on his stupid attractive face. before i can think of a witty comeback michael pops up behind the couch nearly giving me a heart attack.

"will you two go be flirty somewhere else? kat is coming over and if you two are acting like this she'll loose all of her cool and start fangirling."

"fangirling?" luke asks stupidly. who doesn't know what fangirling is?


"yes, fangirling. now get out of my house." he replies shortly, standing up and shooing us towards the door. "i'll call you when you can come back."

"so i'll see you in two days?" i smirk, shoving on some vans and stepping across the threshold of his front door.


and then there's a door slammed in my face. i spin around to face luke, who still looks confused.

"well what shall we do now, my dearest pal lucifer?" he glares at me as i smile innocently.

"we could go to my house?" he suggests.

"and do what?"

he shrugs, "same thing we were doing here."

i scrunch up my face in distaste. "nah, i wanna do something fun. take me out?" i question, i put on my best puppy dog eyes.

luke rolls his eyes but doesn't make any signs of protest as he heads for his car. a dazzling smile takes over my face as i skip past him. "thanks lukey."

"mhmm." he hums, unlocking the doors to his tahoe. i practically launch myself in the passenger seat, already shaking with the excitement of where i wanna go.

"so where exactly am i taking you?"
he asks, raising an eyebrow at me. he looks so unexcited, like a parent who promised their child something thinking they'd forget, then reluctantly carrying through with it when they remember.

"can we go to frankie's?" i shout at him as soon as he asks. he actually recoils from the loudness of my voice.

(a/n: for those of you who don't know what frankies is, tis this super hella awesome arcade/amusement park thing and its huge and great.)

"do you have frankie's money?" he seriously sounds like my mother.

i pout, why split the bill when you can just spend time with me?

"no, but i'll share my prizes with you?"

"and what if i don't like your prizes?"

"god, you are so hard to please." i grumble under my breath, "i will owe you one, anything you want."

"anything?" he asks, sounding suspect of a lie.

"would wittle ol' me ever wie to someone as handsome as you?" i bite my lip, fluttering my eyelashes at him.

"don't start kissing ass, dollface. you'll smear your lipstick."

he smirks, pushing a button to blast barracuda, as we reversed out of the driveway and pulled off as i gape at him.


*patiently waits for the garbage man to come pick me up and throw me away so i can be with my family*

im so sorry this took so long and its so short kill me. don't worry next chapter will be more interesting

eh that's all i suppose.

i really need someone to come beat this level of zelda for me tHANK YOU

adios amigos!!

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