Happier than ever

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I honestly don't know how to feel about my new posts. I feel confident more than I ever have in my life and people still find shit to lick out about me and my body no matter how thin I am..

Yeah bil... I know but you gotta look last that and keep moving okay :) he said with a smile looking at Billie

Thanks baby

Plus you look hot as fuck In them mamas hot as fuck you hear me !!!!

*billie smirks and looks visibly embarrassed*

Kay dude let's go I gotta start my car Billie says to the boy. She peaks her head into the hall where her mom is live on Instagram.
Hey momma can we.
Can I sneak through?
Yeah sure sweetheart one second. Maggie points the phone down so that they could run by

Okay here she is. Billie runs her fingertips over the matte black surface of her car and clicks her keys and the engine purs

She smiles so wide and flings her arms around smiling at him with a proud look on her face.

Damn.. he said smirking at her 

Billie walks around the back of the car, tilts her body a bit flowing her arms in front of her gesturing to the open door of the passenger seat.

My dear boy

She smiles even bigger moving her hand for him to get in

Why thank you miss

The boy said happy and content with himself in that moment. Billie laughed a slammed the door running around the car and getting in. She placed her hands on the wheel and smiles at him. His face look scared but excited.

Billie grasped the back of the leather seat did a shoulder check and FLEW out of the driveway.

So... coffee? Or like sorry.. what do you wanna do today hmm?

Billie looked at him and asked waiting for a answer not knowing which road to turn down and fumbling with the stereo ultimately deciding to leave it silent.

Yeah coffee works

Mhm. She turned down a few side streets and parked a while away from the coffee shop. Are you okay with walking a while? I don't want my mamas to get all keyed and shit you know how people are

Yeah I'm good with walking only if I can hold your hand :))

PFT no way hozay the fuck. She said laughing. She grabbed his hand gentle and kissed it softly before shoving it back in his lap and turning the car off.


Lowkey really homophobic of Billie to have a new love interest and have it be a boy 🙄but asking as she's happy or whatever. Anything is better than 7

Billie~Eilish Smuts/imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now