Author's Note # 7

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Hello dearies!

Tamie here,

I have an announcement to make, and this is similar to Author's Note #2 or #6...

Sorry I wasn't able to update for the past few days since I was able finish up my school work within 3 days but I had to help my sister with hers.

Which took a lot of my time.

Also, there's a storm coming near our region around tomorrow (6/2... Wed), so, typical protocols;

No power,

which means no updates until the storm passes.

The storm is at Tropical Storm category, which brings strong gusts of wind and heavy raining that can be lead to flooding and landslides.

So, to my readers who are in the Bicol region, Visayan Islands as well those who are near the coastal areas, low fields and mountains, please be careful and keep safe.

As usual, it will affect my update schedule since one chapter is already 700+ words, which I can update fast enough... but it'll have to wait.

For now, feel free to read the other books in your library, watch Netflix, YouTube, do some TikTok or continue with your school work within my absence.

Don't worry, I won't stop writing and updating.

(ง •_•)งผ(•̀_•́ผ)

Till next update, my beautiful and wonderful darling readers :)

For my troubles, here's a sketch I've made.

This features my version of (Y/n) as well as her new costume and her beloved mischief maker, Loki...

This features my version of (Y/n) as well as her new costume and her beloved mischief maker, Loki

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(I'm a messy sketcher) ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ

Don't worry, the final product will not be as messy as this.

As well as making the others... *cough* Hot and attractive cousins *cough*( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

Anyways, if anyone asks, show them this Author's Note book to inform them.

Anyways, ba-bye!

Love you!

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