"You're going to end up in my bed, woman. No matter what you say." He said through clenched teeth and he stepped closer to me.

"In your dreams football player." I said and rolled my eyes. "Now get out. I've got stuff to do. And I think you're killing my brain cells."

"You'll come around." He said before leaving and slamming my door shut. I sighed and walked over and locked it before finishing my room.

When I was finally done with my room I decided to walk down to the cafeteria and get something to eat since I forgot to buy food when I was at Walmart. I grabbed my keys and my card and pulled on my black high heel ankle boots and my black leather jacket and left the room, locking the door so that jerk across the hall can't get in.

I walked out of the building and out my headphones in my ears as I walked through the quad. My heels clicked on the pavement and I loved the sound. Even over my music I heard whistles but I just ignored them until I got to the cafeteria then I pulled out my headphones and stuck them back in my pocket.

I got in line and chose Mac and cheese and a salad. My stomach couldn't handle anything heavy right now. I found a table by myself and sat down and ate slowly and pulled out my phone to check Facebook and see if I had any text messages. I had one text message from my boyfriend jake.

Jake <3: hey crystal. How you holding up?
Me: I'm fine, sweetie. It's weird being away from you though. I miss you.
Jake <3: I miss you too. Look, I've got a friend coming over. I'll text you later.
Me: what friend?
Jake <3: a friend. What does it matter?
Me: it matters because I'm your girlfriend. What friend?
Jake <3: Andrea is coming over. We got some homework to do.
Me: really? Your ex? You agreed to me that you wouldn't be around her!
Jake <3: does it really matter, crystal? You're around guys all the time!
Me: I had the chance to have sex with a guy today and I denied him because I'm with you! And there you are, with Andrea! What kind of boyfriend are you?

My eyes teared up as I typed that and then shoved my tray away. I barely ate but I couldn't eat anymore. I heard a chair move and when I looked up i saw the football player. I still don't even know his name.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I sighed and shook my head as I got up. I really didn't want to talk to anyone yet. I grabbed my tray and got up and dumped it and all but ran out of the cafeteria and back to the dorm.

My fingers shook as I struggled to unlock the door. But soon a strong hand came over mine and plucked the keys and unlocked my door for me. I looked up at the football player and sighed and walked into my room and watched the football player stand in the doorway.

"So why are you crying?" He asked and leaned against the door frame.

"Nothing. I don't even know you." I said and sat down on my bed.

"I'm Leland. Leland hale. Captain of the football team. I'm 6'4" and weigh 230. I'm 20 years old, from Minnesota. My birthday is February 13th." He said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"You don't seem like a guy from Minnesota. You seem to city boy." I said and stared into his eyes. They seemed to lose their edge as my phone beeped again and I pulled it out of my pocket and stared at the text. It was a picture message.

I gasped when I opened it and my hands started to shake. My boyfriend was back with his ex. It was a photo of them... Quite intimate and I quickly put my phone down and ran for the bathroom, locking the door and turning the water on to drown out my sobs.

"Crystal? You can come out here." Leland said and I started to cry more. "I know you're crying. At least come out here and let me hold you. I swear I'm not that bad of a guy."

I shut off the water and wiped at my tears before unlocking the door and walking out of the bathroom. Leland was sitting on the edge of my bed, with his jersey in his hand.

"Put this on and go take a photo in the mirror. I'll stand behind you so that he thinks you have a new boyfriend already." Leland said and held the jersey out to me. I took it and pulled it on over my tank top. It reached about mid thigh and the sleeves almost covered my whole arms. Well, being only 4'11" showed how tiny I was compared to leland.

I walked into the bathroom and Leland came in behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist for the picture. My smile was genuine as I took the photo and then stared at lelands eyes in the mirror. I sent the photo to jake and waited for his reply.

Jake: damn, you work quick. You've always been a whore. Have fun with mr douche bag.
Me: at least he is more man than you could ever be. Delete my number and never contact me again.

"Damn, I never thought I'd be able to break up with him." I said as I turned to face Leland and pulled off his jersey. As I held it out to him he shook his head.

"Keep it. Maybe you'll wear it to our game coming up. Having a girl wearing your jersey is good luck." He said with a boyish grin and my stomach did flips.

"There must be a girl you like." I said and still held out the jersey.

"There is. She's itty bitty and has these deep unique eyes and is just gorgeous. But she's stubborn. I helped her out with her piece of shit boyfriend who is now an ex. And I'm planning to take her out Friday night. She better be ready by 6pm and be wearing that jersey." He said and turned and left, pulling my bedroom door shut.

What the fuck just happened?

Dorm Room AffairWhere stories live. Discover now