To Miss a Witch

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Axel smiled politely at a joke that the Handler told. She was one of the few people that the stone cold Swede was truly scared of. Ever since he had been forced to kill you ten years ago, he had made a conscious effort to make sure he never cared about anyone but his brothers ever again. This process left him fairly emotionless and fearless. The only people that could make him truly smile were his brothers and even that was rare. At the end of the day, all he cared about was getting his job done. This frosty demeanor helped him with his job because he had to take out the certain people that the Commission told him to. Besides Five Hargreaves, he and his brothers were the best and most feared assassins in the Commission. This status had taken them several years to obtain and Axel was glad of the infamy that came with it. He was content letting people be scared of him. It helped him keep his walls up. But one day he met one of the newly hired assassins and felt a horrible pang of recognition. For some reason they reminded him of you. That night, he cried himself to sleep. It was the first time he had allowed himself to cry in years. Why did this insignificant girl bring out such emotion in him? He told himself that he would avoid them at all costs from now on. Emotion and murder didn't mix well after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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