To Kill a Witch

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You looked into Axel's eyes, silently pleading with him not to go through with it. But his eyes glazed over, seeming almost emotionless.
When the hunter that had discovered you were a witch brought you back to the village, people immediately demanded that you were killed. But the hunter had strangely insisted on following through with his promise to go back and help Axel. So it was decided that in two days, when Axel was strong enough to do it, he was going to be forced to crush your heart. The townspeople would threatened him, with his life, into doing it. Since he knew that no matter what he did, you were going to be killed, he decided that his brothers still needed him, especially after you were dead. He was going to force himself to kill you in order to save himself.
Axel walked closer to you. When he was standing right in front of you, he plunged a knife into your chest. Slowly and precisely, he carved out your heart. As he cut it out, he seemed to shut down even more than he already was. He knew that if he told you that he didn't love you, and you truly believed it, he wouldn't die with you. Taking a deep breath as if to calm himself, he stepped up in front of you and prepared himself for the pain to follow.
"I never loved you." Axel's lie sliced through the air and the despair was painfully clear in your eyes. You fell to your knees in disbelief. As you started sobbing, you begged him to crush your heart and end your life.
Axel winced as his fist tightened around your beating heart, feeling it slowly stop.
As he watched you fall to the ground lifeless, Axel swore to himself that he'd never love again.

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