Chapter 18

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                              Y/n POV
I woke up in the hospital room and look over to see J awake on his phone, he noticed I was awake and got up and came over to me.

J: hey, how r u doing
Y: ok my stomach hurts
J: ya it's going to they had to pump your stomach
Y: right, I took pills
Y: hey, I'm really sorry j, I shouldn't have done that I should have just talked to you or Q
J: it's ok, I'm gonna go get the doctor

I look and he has tears in his eyes, when he got up he gave me a kiss on the head and left to go get the doctor. He came back with the doctor and the doctor told me I have to stay for today and overnight just to make sure I'm stable and then I could leave I thanked him and then he left. Jaden sat back down on the couch and didn't say anything, it was weird because usually when Jaden's with me he always makes convo it was very awkward.

J: why did you do it? I'm not mad but I'm just wondering
Y: idk, everything just came back from what happened with my step dad and tony and what they said to me all the time and they always told me how no one loved me and I forgot that i had all of you guys who loved me and I just felt like I needed to leave because I was bugging you guys all the time and especially you.
J: you are never bugging me you put a smile in my face every single day and you treat me so well and I love you so much, I love how you need attention because that way Ik that you love me and want me around, the boys and Girls were so worried about you when this happened, if they could they would all be here right now they are all sitting at home waiting. We all love you so much and we wouldn't know what to do without you so please never feel like we don't like you.
Y: i love you j

J got up and walked over to me and climbed into the hospital bed with me, he gave me a kiss on my cheek and on my lips, we laied there for awhile till I got hungry.

Y: j I'm hungry can you get me food
J: ya ofc, I'll be right back
Y: thanks babe

I watched him walk out and I reached over to grab my phone and I had a ton of texts from the girls and guys they were all telling me how much they loved me, I texted them all back saying I loved them and i am doing a lot better.
Jaden walked back into the room after about an hour with canes in his hand.

Y: I love you, you brought my fav
J: I had to the food here is terrible
Y: Ik

I sat on my bed with j and ate my food and talked to j for a bit the nurse came in everyone couple hours to check up on me and make sure I was doing good, I didn't like being in the hospital but j being here made it a little better.

It was the end of the day and j decided to stay the night again and he was sleeping in the bed with me, I slowly drifted of to sleep and I couldn't wait to get out of here tomorrow.

                          The next day 

"She's good to go" the doctor said me and j walked out of the hospital and headed home. As soon as I walked through the door everyone came running up to me crying making sure I was ok, I told them all that i was ok and that I am doing a lot better and that I was sorry that i did what I did, they all said it was ok and they were just happy i was ok and I was doing well. We all just hung out in the living room all day and just talked about everything and how tiktokroom was going crazy because pictures got out of me me in the hospital and leaving the hospital.

Y: Great now I'm gonna have to tell everyone what happened
Jh: I can make a teatok and you can speak on it
Y: no that's ok I'll prob make a YouTube vid on my page and explain everything, but I'm bot going to do it this week I just need a break
Tb: sounds good, we can all hang out for the whole week and just spend time with each other and have fun, we haven't done that forever
Y: ya, it's like we never see each other and we all live in the same house, it's kinda crazy, but that sounds like a great plan I'm totally down for it

For the rest of the day we all just hung out by the pool and the boys ended up going to get food for me because they didn't want me to have to face the press, I didn't  know they cared this much about me and everything I do, this means so much to see how much they care about me and everything that happens to me. I was about to go on tiktok when I grabbed my phone.
Y: j what the hell
J: let's stay off social media this week
Y: what why
J: just people being assholes again and I don't want you getting hurt again, ok?
Y: ok thanks j

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and i walked to the leaving room and he followed me and he lied down on the couch and tapped his Chest signalling for me to lie down on his Chest, I bent over and laid down on the couch, the boys came home with the food and we headed to the kitchen and ate. Later that night I headed up to my room and got ready jaden eventually came in and laid with me and we both fell asleep.

Author note: sorry this chapter was terrible I'm really tired but I wanted to post for y'all🤍🤍

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