Episode 1 - The day of Osu's arrival and childhood.

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On April 22, 1993, a major astonishment and confusion has rung out upon the world. A couple named Mary Alahazi and Joka Monochui have had a kid, but it was a bit..peculiar. It had some sort of..fish tail? A koi fish tail at that. It was a half-human, and half-koi fish hybrid. Mary was fine with it. She thought it made her kid unique, and loved him either way. Joka, however, was the opposite. He was so disgusted with the baby boy, that he left the mother, right then and there. She was forced to take care of the baby boy she called Osu right then and there, but she wouldn't have it any other way.
Days with Osu turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, and months turn to years, until he is atleast 5 years old. By now he has heard of most animals. Dogs, cats, sea bunnies, sea bass, slugs and snails..lots of em!
"Mommy?" He says.
"Yes?" She says.
"Can I be a dog?"
"You can be anything if you try!" She says, trying to be supportive.
"Yay! Thank you mommy, I love you!"
"I love you to."
Life goes like this for a while. Until one day.

(Please check out Lime's account!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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