"Or challenged by her. Can she sing?" Jo asked.

"No. The last time she did, she broke my eardrums." I said.

"Are you insane?" My dad said making Bella jump.

"AAHH! Woah you scared me." Bella said.

"And are you crazy. Leila Daniels will hate you for the rest of your life." Dylan said.

"Do you think I care?" Bella asked.

"Well no."

"Exactly." Bella said.

"All right everyone it looks like we can have a Singing Battle with Leila Daniels and Bella Beast. Leila, you're up first." The DJ said.

Only her friends were clapping as she came on stage and grabs the mic.

"Alright, so what song are you going to sing for us?"

"Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne." Leila said.


The music starts...

"Ok? Give it up for Leila Daniels?" The DJ said, uncomfortably.

It was not that good... it was bad but Leila's friends still clapped for her.

"OK. Now it's Bella Beast's turn."

Bella went up me and my family and a few people were clapping. She came on the stage and grabs the mic.

"So what song are you going to sing for us?"

"You don't know me from Victorious." Bella said.


Bella's POV
The music starts to play...

(During the song...

Longer... LONGER... LONGER!!!
Everyone was clapping and cheering)

Everyone was clapping and cheering. I was kinda looking at Tuck most of the time.

"Woah... that was just Woah. No one has ever hit the high notes in that song. Give it up for Bella Beast!!" DJ yells.

Everyone was clapping including Leila's friends but she stopped them. I came off the stage and Tuck said...

"Bella was awesome!" Tuck said hugging me.

"Thanks." I said hugging him.

As we let go, we looked at each other smiling like idiots. Until Tuck's dad said...

"Ok. Let's slip you two up." Beau said, pulling us apart.



"All right everyone the votes are in and the winner is...

Bella Beast!"

Everyone was clapping and cheering and I went onto the stage. I was smiling and waving and Leila said...

"What!?? She doesn't deserve to win, I do." Leila explains.

"Too bad because I didn't sound like a dying cat." Bella said.

The whole place started laughing. Leila grabbed her bag and left the building with her friends and everyone was clapping for her.

No one's POV
The Haywoods were in the car driving home from Club Soda and Bella and Tuck were fast asleep.

"I still can't believe that Bella won the Contest." Beau said.

"I can't believe she had the guts to stand up to Leila." Brody said.

"Yeah no one can do that." Dylan comments.

"Awwwww." Jo said making everyone confused.


They stopped at a red light and turned to see Tuck and Bella asleep together. Bella's head was on Tuck's shoulder.

Everyone but Bailey and Beau said, "Awwwww."

"Ok that never happens." Beau whispers to Bailey.

"Bella is definitely different." Bailey whispers.

"So does anyone knows where Bella lives?" Beau asked the kids.

The kids' eyes were wide open so Jo said...

"Actually, and I Bella are having a sleepover at my house so you can drop us at my house." Jo lie.

"Ok." Beau said.

Beau dropped Bella and Jo off and Bella actually had a sleepover at Jo's house.

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