30| purgatory

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I'm cold.

So, so cold.

My head is spinning. The last thing I remember is walking over to my car, but there's nothing after that.

I try to move my hand to rub my eyes, but stop short because of something restricting me. A scream rips through my body upon realizing I'm chained to a pipe.

"You're awake."

This is the worst nightmare ever. But it feels so real. So is it? Or am I just delusional.

I know the answer to that question, but I'll keep telling myself it's a delusion for the sake of my sanity. Because there is no way in hell that Mick Hale has me chained to a pipe. Instead of confronting the poltergeist behind me, I glance around the room. I've been here before. Many, many times. It's the basement of his parent's house. Our old friend group used to hang out down here all the time during high school. We'd do whatever the hell we wanted. I thought he loved me back then.

He didn't. Pretty sure he never loved anyone but himself.

He prods my side with the toe of his boots. "Answer me."

I shake my head. I am not giving this asshole anything, other than a swift 9-1-1 call as soon as I'm out of here. How did he even manage to find me? None of it makes sense.

"I said, answer me." He's getting angry. I'm tempted to just give in, but my resolve has gotten stronger in our time apart. My lips stay sealed.

That is, until he starts kicking me in the side. I can't help but cry out from the force of each blow. It's like "Okay! Okay, just stop it!"

Mick crouches down beside me, tilting my head so I'm forced to look at him. There's no way to hide the terror pulsating through my body. "See? Was that so hard?"

"How did you find me?"

He gives me this disgusting smile that has my stomach doing somersaults. "That's for me to know, and you to never find out. The question is, why did you think I wouldn't find you?"

"You haven't got any reason to do this to me. We broke up years ago, grow a pair and get over it," I snap.

That was a mistake. He slams my head against the wall, not hard enough to knock me out but I swear I can see stars. "I'm giving you another chance to be mature, Dove. Now are you going to do what I ask, or am I going to have to make you?"

I spit in his face.


"I see you're choosing the difficult route," he wipes his face off with the back of his hand. "Here's what we're going to do. I forgive you for breaking up with me, because I know you didn't mean it. And I'm taking you back, right here, right now. We're going to pick up right where we left off, like nothing ever happened."

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