Chapter 2

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     Branch hummed quietly, as he waited for Poppy to return. He was so bored, and was becoming impatient, after waiting for so long.

     He sighed, quietly, laying his head down on the table, as he closed his eyes. He was still tired from staying up all night, maybe he could get a little more sleep before Poppy got back.

     Suddenly, he heard the elevator coming down. He opened his eyes looking up at it.

     Finally, Poppy was back.

Except... it wasn't Poppy. Branch's eyes widened, as he saw purple feet standing on the elevator. Feet that were very different from a troll's feet. Who was in his bunker?

He tried to run, and hide, but his hand was still glued to the table, so instead, he flipped the table, quickly ducking behind it.

The elevator reached the bottom, footsteps beginning to walk around the room.

"Hmmm..." he heard in a small, quiet voice. "What is this place? Hello? Is anyone here!?"

Branch stayed quiet, leaning against the table, as his heart raced.

"It's ok, Zenid. No one is here. It's safe to come out."

Slowly, Branch peeked around the corner, seeing a small purple creature. It was similar to a troll, but only had three fingers, and three toes on each hand/foot. She also had, long hair, that instead of going up, fell down to the floor.

Branch gulped, as another creature poked its head out of her bag, looking around.

It sniffed the air, and then turned its head, looking right at Branch.

He gasped, quickly hiding behind the table again. He could hear the creature in the bag start to growl.

"What is it, Zenid? What did you see?"

Zenid looked at the table Branch was behind, and then jumped to the floor, walking towards him.

She walked around the table, stopping to stare at Branch, as she growled.

Branch stared at it, his eyes wide, as he breathed heavily, his heart racing in fear.

He looked at his hand, which was still attached to the table, and then back at the growling creature.

"Come here, Girl," the troll like creature said, but Zenid did not go to her. She stayed in front of Branch, growling, viciously.

Branch whimpered quietly, in fear, trying his best not to make a sound. He didn't want the other creature to know he was there too. If they both knew, Branch could be in big trouble.

"What's there?" the troll like creature said, walking towards Branch.

     Branch's heart sank as he stayed completely silent. He didn't know what to do.

     Again, he tried to pull his hand off the table, but it was no use. It was just stuck on too tight.

     Slowly, the troll like creature, began to peak around the table, but before she could see Branch, the sound of the elevator distracted her.

     "Ok, Branch. I got the..." she paused, when she saw the two creatures standing there.

     Branch's heart sank at the sound of Poppy's voice. She had to get out of there! It was too dangerous!

     He pulled at his hand, trying desperately to get it unstuck, but he couldn't.

     Poppy blinked, at the creature, and then smiled.

     "Hi!" she said, cheerfully. "I'm Poppy. What's your na..."

     Before Poppy could finish, the troll like creature pulled some kind of ray out of her bag, zapping it at Poppy. She fell to the floor instantly, Branch finally getting his hand unstuck from the table.

     "Poppy!" he shouted, jumping to his feet.
"AHHHH! Another one!?" the creature screamed.

     Before Branch could do anything, the creature aimed her ray at him, pulling the trigger.

     Branch flopped down to the floor, his eyes slowly blinking shut.

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