The reunited couple stayed locked in each other's arms in what felt like an eternity but was actually just a few minutes.  Finally letting go, her hands reached out to touch her beloved's face just as he circled one hand on her back and the other caressing her cheek. "I love you, Mo Yuan." She said as she tiptoed to touch her lips to kiss him with all the love she felt in her being.  Happily surprised at how he was welcomed considering he was prepared to beg and grovel if he had to, Mo Yuan deepened the kiss that Qian Qian started, coaxing her mouth to open so he can taste her with his tongue.  She moaned as her arms reached the back of his head just as he pulled her close, their bodies finally closing the distance of the thousands of years that brought them to this point.  Their heads moved from side to side as their tongues did their sword play against each other's fused mouths while their hands roamed around each other's bodies, discovering and re-acquainting themselves with each other.  While Mo Yuan remembers the touch and feel of Qian Qian through Ye Hua's memories that have been infused with his when all his soul pieces attached, to be this close to her in an intimate way was new to his own body.  As their kiss further deepened and the groping progressed, he tried to reign in his body's need to conquer and finally make her his- Mo Yuan's Bai Qian.  So with great reluctance, his mouth left hers to explore her cheeks, nose, forehead, and her ears before finding her neck as he took a deep breath to envelope his senses of her peach blossom scent.  Then he pulled back a bit to her still kiss dazed face which was starting to scrunch up in confusion as to why he stopped.  Smiling as he hugged her once more, he said, "I made dinner.  Why don't you sit down while I serve you food."

"You want to eat.... now?"

"You've been here for almost a year and I know how you fare in the kitchen by yourself.  You could only have eaten a decent meal at restaurants so I want to make sure you get something nutritious now that I'm here.  Plus, I need you to have energy for what I have planned for later." Those last words were laced with so much carnal intention that finally shut Bai Qian up.  Satisfied that love making was in the horizon, she blushed in anticipation of what was to come that she wanted to skip the meal entirely and go straight to her dessert- Mo Yuan.  

He set down a pair of chopsticks, one soup spoon and two bowls of the dishes that he knew she liked.  Looking up at him she asked, "aren't you eating with me?"

"I'll feed you and we'll share."  As he pulled her on his lap and scooped up some food and brought it to her mouth.  Her wide doe eyes brightened in appreciation for the food as he alternately fed himself and her.  Feeling mischievous, he picked up a straw mushroom from the bowl that he put between his front teeth to offer to her.  She blushed as she took the half of the mushroom from his mouth.  Kissing while eating.... hmmm, she could get used to this she happily thought, wanting now to finish their meal and get naked with him.  "I'm full now. Let's get to bed." As she stood up and magically cleared away the dishes.  Mo Yuan laughed at Qian Qian's impatience.  "Soon, my love.  But next after the meal is a bath.  I already prepared the hot spring with our scented oils."  She wanted to stomp her feet in protest but since getting into the hot spring also meant getting naked, she obliged.  She dragged him out of the hut and magically removed their clothes when they reached the ledge. Then she reached towards his head to pull the pin out that held his locks in a bun, letting his long hair cascade towards his back. Stepping back, she released the pin from her own head and allowed Mo Yuan's gaze to freely roam her naked body just as her eyes were leisurely roaming his. While his face and Ye Hua's were the same, Mo Yuan's body was war hardened and battle scarred. And even if he slept for seventy thousand years, being nourished with her heart's blood ensured that his muscles did not shrink, his sinewy arms, torso and legs rippling as though her gaze was touching his skin. Her brave and open appreciation of his body pushed all of Mo Yuan's blood south, stretching the length and girth of his manhood that was reaching out to claim her. But he stood his ground and allowed himself to fully appreciate her just as she was doing to him. She was a sight to behold in her naked glory and she was finally his. He closed the distance between them and kissed her senseless as he lifted her in his arms to carry her with him in the water. Mo Yuan had waited many a millennia for his mate and while his body could not wait to be joined with hers, he wanted to fully explore her body with his hands, starting with their first bath together. So reluctantly he pulled away and turned her back to him as she moaned her protest. Cupping some water, he rinsed her hair and gathered her favorite peach blossom oil to clean out her long and luscious strands. Taking more oil in his hands he moved to her neck and shoulders, his hands massaging in circular motions as her moan of protests became moans of delight as they relaxed from his warm and steady touch. He spread his palms open as he went down her back until her the top of her derrière before moving to the sides and forward to massage her stomach, palms moving up to bottom and sides of her breasts. Skipping her nipples he moved to the tops of her twin mounds as his hands kneaded upwards to her collarbone.  Then moving down again to graze her nipples as he curved his hands to cup and squeeze her luscious breasts. Enjoying the feel of Mo Yuans hands on her torso, Bai Qian's legs spread wide astride Mo Yuan's lap and tilted her body backwards with her face angling towards his to capture his mouth on hers.  Tongues mated as his hands went down to spread her legs wider,  squeezing her thighs and bringing her body closer to his.  She felt his raging need poking her buttocks as one of his hands delved into her very wet folds to play with her engorged clit.  She began gyrating her hips against his hands where one gently rubbed her clit as the fingers of his other hand moved in and out of her opening.  She was wet enough to accommodate his length and girth but to make sure, he prepped her for his eventual entry so he started with one middle finger before adding his pointer finger and finally his ring finger as he stretched her opening, loving the feel of her gyrating in ecstasy at his touch.  She broke their kiss, panting as she said "Mo Yuan, I can't take more of this teasing. I need you now, please." Her starry eyes beseeched him and finally broke through his constraint.  With a wave her hand she magically transported them to the bed inside the hut, cleaned and dried, ready to continue where they left off in the hot spring.

Eternal Love Once Upon a TimeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant