Two years later...

Start from the beginning

"If that is true..." Lily started "Then we are all going to die..." 



Leo pressed his eye to the lock, "I can't see anything." He hurriedly whispered, Ron shoved him out of the way and pressed his own eye to the lock, 

"RON!" Hermoine hissed, he shushed her before squinting even harder. She gave leo an apologetic look, he just shrugged. Ron's personality took a bit of getting used to, but once you got over it, he was really a great friend. 

Fred and George took it upon themselves to come thundering down the steps at that very moment 

"Hello!"        "There!"          "Tiny"           "Children"      "Causing"       "Any"       "Trouble?"

 They finished together, one of the twins walked down and heaved Ron off his feet, "Ickle Ronnykins not being very nice?" Fred asked, "Tsk tsk Ronniekins don't you know to be polite to your neighbors?" George asked,

 "I thought that we taught you children better, Kindness and manners will last forever".... 


They both howled in sync before bursting into laughter, Ron scowled, "What do you want?" he demanded before putting his eye back to the hole, 

"Oooooh nasty little creature eh Georgie, do you still think we should help the ickle children."

 "Your right Freddy, let's leave them to their fun little guessing games" They both skipped away humming loudly and rather off key.

 "WAIT!" Hermoine yelled after they hardly went out of sight, 

"HARK!" Called Fred, "Tis the cry of a lost Marauder." "Alas Freddy shall we do something?"

 "Alas dear georgie I have yet to hear an apology." Hermoine sighed, "Were sorry alright" Leo nodded his agreement, which was good enough for the twins. They tossed them what looked like severed ears attached to a string of flesh, Hermoine held it at arm's length before sticking an eyeball to one of the sides. 

"What does it do?" she asked, "Stick it under the door to find out!" The twins called in sync before skipping away again.

 Hermoine gave them a confused look before shoving Ron out of the way and sliding the ear under the door,

 "-IS NO SIMPLE ASSASSIN! THIS IS THE WORK OF VOLDEMORT'' The ear howled in an uncanny interpretation of Moody's voice. It remained silent for another moment before they heard Lupin's voice come into it. "I know who he is..." The trio held their breath, from what little they heard so far, what was to come was going to be big... 

 "It's The Dark Lord's son..." Lupin finished to an uproar of laughter, "I'm not kidding!" Lupin tried again, "Rumors have floated around, especially among werewolves... Greyback has been bragging about training The Son, as he called him..." Silence echoed around the room once more, becoming louder and louder by the moment, 

"If that is true..." Leo heard his mother begin to speak, "Then we are all going to die..." 

The silence was brought up again, perhaps more defining than before. "Well... what are we going to do about it?" Moody growled, apparently annoyed. It was Leo's father who replied this time, "We have to catch him... there is no other wa-"

 "NO!" Ron screamed, he threw open the door and barreled into the room. "RONALD!" Yelped Mrs. Weasley. 

"YOU CAN'T GO AFTER HIM! YOU CAN'T!" Ron was on his knees now, "He'll kill you!" 

"Stay out of this boy!" Hissed Moody, "ALASTOR!" Yelled Mcgonigal, "WHAT!" Moody roared back, "PLEASE STOP!" Lily begged, "QUIET!" Roared James, Sirius laughed. While Leo just stood there, soft tears rolled down his face while he started to slowly comprehend the little that he knew... 

The Dark Lord had a son... and he was coming for them...


Ta daaaaaaaaaaaa! Bonus chapter, because that's how awesome you all are! Our next chapter is aaaaaaalllllll about the rising action, where the snake will learn that he must go among the lions..... wow that sounded anonymous, annnnnywaaaaay, If yall want updates just smash that follow button, I post a announcement after each chapter is released, and as usual.....

May the Dark Harry fanfictions be ever in your favor... Always 

Quick note: 

I'd imagine Hadrians silver skull mask looking something like this, except... you know... silver... 


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