Wait- WHAT?

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Hadrian flopped on his bed, Arrrrrrrgh how could he have been so blind, and to think, he had actually thought that the day was going well, boy was he wrong...

 As usual, after completing an assassination he would hop on his broom and zoom back to Riddle manor. He was greeted with fresh robes and a snack. Then came the fun part... he had wandered over to the dinning hall. Deciding to go grab a snack, as usual it was filled to the brim with rowdy Death Eaters. He applied a bit of glamor, just enough to turn his eyes blue and his hair blonde before plopping himself down in an empty seat and asking his plate for meat stew. It was natural that none of the Death eaters knew who he was, the few that had seen his face were sworn to secrecy. Even then only his small friend group, a few unknowing new recruits who would usually forget him after an hour or so, Bellatrix, and his Father had seen him. Two minutes of peaceful eater later, a gang of upper-middle class Death Eaters barged in and loudly announced that the Dark Prince was gone. Gasps had sounded throughout the chamber accompanying a few shouts of anger and confusion.

 He had been forced to act along, pretending to be shocked, allowing the performance to cover the white hot anger inside of him. He had stalled a bit longer before storming to his room, deciding to grab his mask before teaching the bumbling liars a lesson. It was then where he had found his father sitting on his bed. His father had clutched a small box. It was then that Hadrian had decided to ask the cursed question, "What?". His request was answered in seconds as his father rambled on and on about muggles, disguises, and Hogwarts. After taking a moment to settle his father down, he finally began to understand.

 The Ministry knew he was alive, and the cursed Potters were coming. Not to Riddle manor mind you, but none place other than the very household of the filthy Muggle woman that he had once called his aunt.


*Time skip presented by my lazy attributes* 


Hadrian cursed loudly as he stuffed his most valuable possessions into a small raggedy trunk that he had found hidden away in the basement.

 Even with the numerous expandance charms on it he was only able to bring his essentials.

 So, it was with a deep glare and a slightly rough briefcase that Hadrian Riddle, the all powerful son of the Dark Lord, was forced out into the grounds, taking on the appearance of a furious teen instead of a powerful dark wizard, which was COMPLETELY unfair, if he was going to be shipped off the filthy muggles, then couldnt he at least spread a last bit of casual terror? 

Next to him, his father stood with his arms crossed. A small glamor had turned his black hair a messy shade of grey and his eyes a sharp blue. A small book was cluched in one arm, as if a lifeline. 

Haridan sighed for what was quite possibly the hundredth time that day. The things he did for the Dark. Honestly, many futures in which he would be forced into the Potters clutches had played in his head but never, ever. Would he ever consider spying? For heaven's sake, he was the Dark Lord's son. He belonged on the battlefield taking down aurors. He belonged to the shadows, letting his victims drop to the earth, with little to none trace that he had ever set foot there. He belonged at his fathers side, commanding his army and dealing with prisoners. He 1000000% didn't belong happily skipping around and sitting by the campfire singing Kumbaya with gangs of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors while praising Dumbledore's greatness, and he ESPECIALLY  didn't belong trapped inside of Potter Manor playing perfect child while practically kissing the earth that the Boy-who-lived-to-ruin-everyone's-life walked. For heaven's sake, even a prime spot that any spy would kill for wouldn't be worth this. 

A Snake Among the Lions: Dark HP  *DISCONTUINED*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin