A Part Of Him, Died With Them

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James got up, and headed for the door. Lily shot him a worried look. She was worried, because him getting called at office was a bad thing. And not the good kind of bad........It was going to be a bad, bad situation. And she could feel it. "Oh...wait!" She stopped him. "Yes?" He straightened his glasses. "I think Mr. Black's got to go with you!" She pointed to Sirius, who got up and followed him. "What is it going to be?" Sirius asked worriedly. "I dunno...." James sounded a lot worried. And tired, both of them had heavy dark circles around their eyes.They knocked together walking past the gargoyle. "Come in!" A voice came from inside. James swung the door open, and went inside. Closely followed by Sirius. "Please, close the door!" Sirius closed it behind himself. "Please........" Dumbledore sounded serious, very serious. "Sit down!" James sat down; Sirius joined him. Dumbledore sighed, he didn't know how could he break the news. "James....." He started, "I am sorry...." "For what...." James asked sharply. He had learned the hard way that apologies in these times weren't a good thing. They weren't a good thing at all."James....." "I have to tell you......" "Tell me what!" James got up from his seat. He was upset. "Tell what...." Sirius asked calmly. "What? Dumbledore??" "Mr. and Mrs. Potter," Dumbledore said, "They are no more...." "No more?" James tapped his hands together. "What does that mean?"He looked shuffled, and upset. "Where did they go?" He started asking questions. "I thought they were at the safe house." He was talking so fast that only Sirius could make out what he was saying. "Your Safe House!" James slapped his hands on the desk. "WHERE ARE THEY?" James Potter was yelling at the headmaster and he didn't even know it."Tell me!" He hollered. "Voldemort got them!" Dumbledore broke it into the simplest words. James's eyes got stoned, Sirius exhaled sharply. He was shocked."I am so sorry!" He told him. James Potter was angrier than ever. "What happened?" He shouted. "You told me! That place was safe......You told me if join in.......They'll be safe!" He shouted, "I....me....what have you......" Now he didn't even know what he was talking about. "I have to go!" "Where are they?" Sirius asked. "I'll go with him." James wasn't even listening. He rushed outside. Everyone saw James Potter and Sirius Black leaving. But no one noticed the tear-streaked faces. But everyone talked about how Dumbledore favored the two. James Potter disapparated along with Sirius. Remus Lupin was sick, so he was in the hospital wing. And Lily was worried. "James!" Sirius ran after him.They ran into the Safe House, Sirius followed him. "Mom!" James shouted. "Dad!" His wand out, his face tear streaked, he couldn't see properly. He entered the safe house, all the spells were broken. "Mom?" James Potter entered the living room. Where lay his parents, cold and without life. He couldn't move, he fell to the floor to his knees. "Mom......." He whispered. "Please........" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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