Episode 6: He is Tony Stark's Intern

Start from the beginning

Peter: Oh, next time bring Colonel Rhodes or Captain Rogers with you. I really don't like that my Peternappers dying on me.

Peter, on the phone: Mr. Stark?

Tony: Yes kid?

Peter: Can you ask Happy to pick me up?

Tony: Kid, it's a school night, you're not suppose to stay in the tower.

Peter: No, I'm in a abandon warehouse right now.

Tony: What? How? Why are you in a abandon warehouse?

Peter: Peternappers happened, they're not very nice, they took me here and now they're asking me to leave. So, can you like ask Happy to pick me up.

Tony, while carrying a kidnapped Peter back to the Tower: Honestly, this is getting boring. So, for both of our sake, can you not get kidnap?

Peter, sarcastically: Mr. Stark, it's not like I advertise myself to get kidnap. Tell me, can you see "Free kid to kidnap, 24/7 abduction guaranteed" sign above my head?


Tony, while holding on to his work table: No! You can't make me!

Peter, pulling Tony and the table near the door: You've been in here since Sunday! It's Friday!You're still wearing the same cloths! When was the last time you showered? Let go of the table Mr. Stark or I'll lock you out of your lab and you're not gonna get inside until next weekend!

Tony, failing to hold onto the table anymore: How are you so strong? You can't do that, this is my lab, my tower.

Peter: I can! You gave me the authorization when you lost that bet two weeks ago! I swear Mr. Stark, let go or I'll call Ms. Potts.

Tony: Listen, kid, you're gonna meet some magical dudes. So try not to fan boy got it? Remember, when superheroes visit the tower, they are guest. You have authority here, okay? If need be, use it.

Peter: No fanboying, superheroes are guest, I have authority in the tower. Wait, I have authority in the tower?

Tony: Peter, you have an Alpha level badge, of course you have authority. You're my personal intern.

Peter: Isn't my badge just to access your lab and the Avenger's floor. Mr. Stark, you didn't say I have authority here. I don't want it anymore.

Tony: No, you're stuck with it. It's already in the system. We don't reprint badges, you know that. Okay, now to the magical dudes.

Tony and Peter, meeting with Dr. Strange and Wong for the first time.

Peter: Hello, I'm Peter

Stephen: Dr. Strange

Peter: Oh, we're using our made up names, well, then, here in the tower they call my Ghost boy.

Tony, Stephen and Wong: What?

Peter: The other interns call me Ghost boy because you know, I just grab stuff and disappear.

F.R.I.D.AY.: Peter is also known as Baby Intern, Mini Boss or The Kid in the tower.

Peter: That too. My personal favorite is Flameboy!

Tony: What?

Peter: Sometimes when you let me work at the intern floor I make a lot of explosions or fire. According to Ms. F.R.I.D.AY., 50 more and I'm gonna beat your record.

Tony: No one's gonna beat any records, Peter. How about you stick with the number you have.

Internboy #1: How?

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