The warm sunlight hits my face, a metallic taste in my mouth brings me back to reality. 'Was I grinding my teeth again?' I sigh at my question, standing up and walking towards the bathroom door. I open it not even bothering to look around, too sleepy to notice the water isn't coming from the neighbors house. 

I brush my teeth, quietly until I hear Katsuki doing the same "Kill the germs!" in his morning routine. I finish then brush my hair, washing my face as well. I get my clothes ready for taking a shower. The door to the bathroom opens just after I leave and out comes Shoto in a towel.

"Oh, gomen ne Shoto. I didn't notice." I reply, in a sleepy voice, not even giving him a second glance. Still not fully awake.

Taking the prepared clothes then my own towel, I walk into the bathroom yet again, turning the water on. The cold water splashes on my skin instantly waking me up, I scrub and scrub, getting the germs away to have a fresh feeling.

After finishing I dry myself off and dress into my uniform, I open the door to see the room empty with the balcony door open. "Didn't I close you yesternight?" I mumble, walking towards the door.

"Ohayo, Yukine-kun." Shoto greets, coming from the balcony. I smile, greeting back. He closes the door and we head to school  after taking apples from Obasan.

We walk to school in silence, the leaves slowly falling, the breeze shaking a few branches, the streets starting to get packed, people greeting regulars. The birds sing a sweet tune, chirping to one another, starting the morning of the day.

"Oi! Iceball, Icyhot!" Katsuki calls us from behind, we turn around to meet him. His red eyes seem to have that same rage it always has.

"Yeah, Tsuki?" I ask, giving him a slice of my apple, he probably didn't eat anything again. He takes it before walking with us, I hear a frog sound and turn to the side.

"Yukine-kun, Todoroki-kun, and Bakugo-kun." Tsuyu greets us, crossing the road to get to us. I nod my head politely before engaging in a conversation with her.

All of us arrive to school without any more distractions, the classroom is as noisy as the bustling in rush hour. I walk inside through the back door while the others from the front. 

"Yukine-kun, didn't you pick Endeavour's agency? Did you encounter the Hero Killer?" Momo asks, holding her hand near her chest.

"Yeah, but." I reply, looking at Shoto for some help. "Endeavour sure is a....... greaaat hero." I retort sarcastically, sighing.

Upon hearing that people become louder, it's almost deafening, some say "Wow lucky", "He is the number 2 hero" or "Endeavour is cool" which in my opinion is all so wrong.

"Changing the subject, Aizawa sensei is here already." I inform them, the door is slid open, there it is. The so familiar yellow caterpillar.


"Okay, class is over. There's only a week left until the final exams, but you guys better be studying. I'm sure you're aware, there are written and practical exams. Simultaneously train your mind and body. That's it." Aizawa sensei tells us, he leaves the room and closes the door.

"I haven't been studying at all!" Mina and Denki yell, Denki sweating all over while Mina is a happy go lucky alien.

"What! But what about when I tutored you?" I question, standing up from my chair.

"Didn't they fall asleep or end up playing in the pool, Yukine." Shoto answers making me sigh in defeat.

"I don't have to worry, I'm in..." I trail off, looking at my test. "Momo would you like to help me study?" I ask like I'm the one offering.

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