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The hall was noisy as names were being called out. As the bearers made their way to the podium for recognition, some were cheered, others were booed and then another name was called

"Sports prefect, Adebayo David"

The hall became noisier than before and the bearer found his way to the podium a little difficult because his mates were obstructing his way just so they could hail him.

"Sixteen names have been called, now we are down to our final four"

Immediately, there were murmurs of anticipation among students even the teachers. The final four (Head boy and deputy, Head girl and deputy). The prefect of the prefects. Everyone associated with the school were always eager to know the lucky or blessed four who would occupy those positions and this time seemed to be no different.

It was the end of another session in Davnik college. The final year students had written their exams and had their valedictory ceremony. The event taking place is the school's last assembly which generally marked the end of the term. Selected prefects from SS2 will be called out for recognition after which the students will proceed to collect their results and be dismissed for the long holiday. The principal cleared his throat and the noise gradually died down.

"Without further ado, please come out for recognition if your name is called." The man continued.
"Deputy head girl, Bello Halima. Please come out".

The cheers were loud; of course, a well loved popular student. The bearer made her way to the podium for recognition although her expression didn't match the hype of the announcement. Clearly, she didn't seem happy with the position.
"Deputy head boy, Clinton Ugochukwu."

More cheers; another well loved popular figure.
"Head girl, Adewusi Patricia"

The cheers reduced and was instantly replaced with loud booing. The bearer nonetheless ignored the reception she was getting as she made her way to the podium. Patricia a.k.a patty money a.k.a Bitcoin or crypto as she was fondly called by her mates in reference to the popular Bitcoin app, PATRICIA. Rude, snobby, arrogant and all types of bad things you can say about a self acclaimed queen bee of the set. She was despised by a good number of her mates and juniors, even teachers. However, she never minded because her dad is one of the major fundraisers of the school so she literally always had her way. As the boos diminished, the principal went on.
"Head boy, Williams Anth...."
He wasn't allowed to finish. Screams, applause, hailing at it's peak coming from both students and teachers. Even the school band had to activate drumroll. Unfortunately, the bearer found his way to the podium difficult because he was stopped by classmates just so he could be patted and carried. The principal had to call the attention of some teachers to help out and after some minutes, he made his way.

Williams Anthony. The most loved student currently in G.C. Brilliant, charismatic, neat, friendly, witty and to top it all, HANDSOME. Loved by all in the school. A good number though because he had his own personal enemies. He was a school gem, no doubt.
After the noise had died down with the principal's antics, the prefects were given their badges after which the school anthem and national pledge were recited.

"Before you go..." The principal announced "...please I want to encourage all of you to spend your holiday wisely. Like I always say, don't fall into bad company. Enjoy yourselves but also use your time for other benefits. God be with you and we hope to receive you all back in good health. See you next session"

With that, the assembly was over and the students were dismissed.

Chapter 1 is over. Hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to pour out your opinions in the comment section.
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