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Remember when I said, "I wonder if he's seeing all of us together, and seeing how much closer we got to one another. I could only imagine he would be smiling right now, that's what he always did." about Yuji?
Well, I was right about one thing, he was smiling.

—At a god damn TV screen.
Get this, this moron was not "seeing us all together", but instead, watching movies in a basement.

When I found out he was alive, I was angry.

--so angry.

On the other hand...I couldn't help but feel relieved. He was alive and healthy.
Before I say anything more, let me explain what happened.

The day of the exchange event.

After countless weeks of practice, the exchange event finally hit. This was a big deal for all Jujutsu High students, especially considering us first years weren't supposed to be here in the first place. It was a way to show your skill and determination.

Me, Fushiguro, Maki, Inumaki, and Panda waited together for the others to arrive. It was a beautiful day outside. It felt to be around 70 degrees, with a slight breeze, and the sun was extremely bright, causing me to shield my eyes. I smiled to myself, getting excited about the event. Adrenaline was already pumping through my veins, and confidence radiated from my body. My foot tapped against the sidewalk slowly, I was getting impatient waiting for everyone to get here. When I'm excited about something, I tend to get impatient and restless.

"Fushiguro, when are the others going to join us?" I asked, checking the time on my phone.

"In a minute or so... what's the rush?" He responded.

"...nothing, I'm just excited I guess." I muttered, shoving my phone into my pocket.

He nodded his head slightly before turning back to face forward.


Soon enough, Nobara came to join us, only she was dragging along a large suitcase. We were all confused on why she was carrying luggage, but waited for her to speak up first.

"Huh?! Why are you all empty-handed?!" Nobara questioned, stopping in her tracks in front of us.

"What are you doing with all that luggage?" Panda replied.

"What do you mean? We're going to Kyoto, right?" she said, crossing her arms, "for the exchange event with our sister school...in Kyoto?

Me and Fushiguro slapped our hands to our foreheads in sync at this. It was like her to make this mistake. Typical Nobara.

"It's an exchange event with our sister school in Kyoto... held in Tokyo." Panda remarked, holding up a slip of paper with the event information on it.


"No..way!!" Nobara yelled, pulling her hair.

I sighed, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand as Nobara continued rambling on.

"No wonder our conversations have been a bit off lately." Maki cut in, gaining words of agreement from the rest of us.

"It's held at the school that's previously won." Panda said, getting cut off by Nobara running towards him and grabbing onto him.

"This sucks!! Then dont go winning, idiots!" She screamed, shaking panda.

"We weren't in it last year! Only Yuta participated to even out the numbers!" Panda blurted out.

"That was prior to freeing Rika." Maki added, "apparently, it was an overwhelming win, I didn't see it though, because it was held in Kyoto."

I wondered what exactly happened during last year's exchange event. From the little information I know about Okkotsu, it makes me believe it really was an overwhelming win.

"I won't forgive you, Okkotsu Yuta!" Nobara shouted through her magazine that she shaped into a cone. "not that I've ever even met you!"

"That's misdirected anger." Panda scoffed, Maki and Toge agreeing.

Nobara's yelling was cut off by me stepping forward and grabbing her wrist, pulling her beside me.

"Hey, they're here." I said, pointing towards the students walking towards us.

Maki's head immediately turned to where I was pointing. Her twin sister, Mai, was in front of the others, walking closer to us with her usual confident exterior.

"Oh look, it's everyone from Tokyo together." Mai snarkily teased, "You went out of your way to greet us?... disgusting."

I took a moment to examine the others that came along with her. In the front, there was a blond girl with weird pigtails sticking up, it sort of reminded me of the witch broomstick she held in her hand. Behind her was a tall man with black hair, he was pretty attractive, and had a cold demeanor in his eyes. If I'm being honest, he heavily reminded me of Fushiguro.

-- What surprised me the most, was the robot standing behind Mai. I found it...weird.

Next to that blond girl was a kind-looking girl with light blue hair, her bangs were cut in an interesting way. She seemed different from the others, I could tell by her aura. And finally, behind her, I recognized that guy Todo from last week.

My fists immediately clenched up, remembering what he had done to Fushiguro. I still didn't understand why he did it. Was he just bored?

What a stupid man.

Maki noticed my staring, and informed me on each of their names. I nodded my head, returning to face the others.

"Okkotsu's not here..." Todo said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Shut up, hand over the cake box," Nobara interrupted, motioning her finger towards herself, "and the yatsuhashi, kudzu noodles, and buckwheat cookies."

"Salmon." Inumaki added.


"Nevermind that Okkotsu isn't here, isn't having three first years a major handicap?" The robot asked.

"A robot, it's a robot!" Nobara screeched, pointing at him and shaking my shoulder.

"No shit." I said, nudging her.

"Age is irrelevant to jujutsu sorcerers," Kamo added, "especially with Fushiguro-Kun."

I tilted my head at Fushiguro in confusion. They know each other?

He saw my expression, and his eyes quickly flickered away from mine.

"He's from the Zen'in bloodline," Kamo continued, "but he's more talented than the head of the clan."

Now I was really confused. How come
I never knew he was related to Maki and Mai? I always thought they looked similar, but I never assumed they were related .

The Zen'in clan was highly respected and of importance in the world of Jujutsu sorcerery, along with the Gojo clan, the Kamo clan, and... the L/N clan. And it just turns out I'm surrounded by members of each of those clans, inculding myself.

Why would I want to go by Katsu instead of L/N, considering it would make me highly respected if I told everyone my real last name?

—I don't want people to praise me for being an L/N, I want them to see me for me. Maybe that's why, on the first day...
I told the others my name is Katsu. I thought they'd treat me differently if they knew the truth.

I just wanted to be normal for once.

(1159 words)

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