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We're all born into this pathetic world, without a choice. We wake up one day, in our given families, with our given life. And we're forced to live it. --Live until we can't anymore. Constantly facing the wrath of this shitty place we call home. It's not fair, is it? People are cruel, people leave. People judge, and people are careless. So why do we call this place, that is merely filled with evil, home...? She never considered this place homely. To her, there's nothing here like it.

--Hair flowing in the wind, occasional stray locks shifting in front of her eyes, she stared apon the stream in front of her. 

                   She could see his shadow from the corner of her eye. And even if she hadn't been able to, she would know he was there. It's almost like his presence shifted something in her, she convinced herself she didn't know what this meant, but oh, she did.

-- She chose to ignore it. Him, his shadow, his presence. --Ignore, what she always did best. The boy knew what she was doing, what she was thinking. He too, always had done the same. But tonight, maybe it was time for him to stop ignoring. It took everything in him to face her. The girl, still unresponsive, stared off into the distance. But he stayed, he locked his eyes on her focused expression. He loved the way the moonlight hit every part of her face perfectly. Complimenting her features, each and every one. Though he'd never admit it, he thought her eyes were beautiful. After he was sure she wouldn't look his way, he turned his body to mimic hers. Now, they were both facing the stream, bodies aligned. 

--The ravenette wasn't sure if he should speak up, frankly, he quite liked the silence between them both. It was sort of... calming? After a minute of silence, he had just one question. One question that sounds quite normal--maybe simple. But the girls answer meant everything to him. He wasn't sure how he felt all this time, maybe he didn't want to know. 

"Say Y/N, tell me."

"..Are you a good person, or a bad one?" The boy asked.

The girl was taken aback by this question, not expecting it to come from the ravenettes lips, out of everyone. She chuckled lightly under her breath. She didn't really need to think about her answer. She hated bad people, people like her parents. They think they're above everyone else. It made her sick. But even with that, she hated good people. She thought they were too good for this world. Always forgiving the bad people. And that too, made her furious.

After remaining silent for a period, she faced the boy, expressionless.

"Neither." she spoke, monotone pitch in her voice.

Now, their positions switched from before, the girls eyes set on his side profile, the boy staring into the distance. His lips twitched, trying to hold back a smile. At last, he gave in, ever so slighlty his lips turned up into a small curve. The girl seemed to notice he was content with her response, she didn't know why he asked, she thought it was a bit odd. If only she knew what her answer meant to him. The boy closed his eyes, lightly, his long eyelashes being on full display, lips still curved. His jet black hair swaying in the light wind, pieces resting on his forehead. He looked beautiful.

He looked at home.

"..Perfect." he whispered almost inaudiable. But the girl still heard.

And she too, felt at home.



jwbwbwdw bye I'm really sorry if this is bad or cringy I'm bad at narrating stuff but lmk ur thoughts so far- I'm gonna try to write a chapter every day maybe, but we'll seeee. This is only a prologue, so it'll def get better as I go along, I'll probably release another chapter today!!

Thank you for giving this a chance <33

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