Part 21: Suiting Up

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"Are you sure I look ok?" Thomas said. He'd only worn a suit once before, and that was for his great grandfather's funeral. "Trust me," Adrien said. "You look good. Just tuck in your shirt and make sure the tie isn't too long." Thomas did as Adrien instructed. He was right. He looked slick. His reflection reminded him of the male models in his Dad's old fashion magazines that he kept in the attic.

"Alright," Adrien said. "You should be ok. So long as Hawk Moth doesn't make an appearance."

"It's unlikely," Thomas said. "But just in case I've decided to go. Who knows? Maybe we'll run into someone I know from the future and spoil their destiny!"

Adrien laughed. "So, what about your sister? Where's she getting ready?"

"At Ma...I mean, Ladybug's house. She didn't exactly have clothes that suit me," he smirked, "so I came here."

"Well, I've never understood the appeal of a suit," Plagg said. "It's just uncomfortable clothes used to show off to others. Why can't you just wear whatever's most comfortable?"

"It's not that simple, Plagg," Adrien said. "By dressing up nice you're basically showing yourself off to the world. It's like polishing a diamond. The diamond is already great, but by shining it, we can see just how beautiful it can be."

"That's actually pretty deep Adrien," Thomas said. He looked in the mirror to see himself. Luckily his father at this time was around the same size as Thomas. His suit was black with a white dress shirt and a dark green tie. He'd also combed his usually unkempt hair and held it in place with gel.

"So, how do you plan on getting into this party?" Adrien said. "I've heard only the elite of Paris were invited."

"True, but how are they gonna keep out a superhero?" Thomas said. "I'll just sneak in with my Miraculous and detransform there."

"Are you sure this is gonna work?"

"Trust me, Adrien. This is gonna be paw-sitively purr-fect."

"I guess I'll see you there then. I'm going to get dressed."

Adrien walked away with a proud expression while Thomas put the finishing touch on his outfit. On his wrist, he put on a bracelet with pink beads followed by a large green bead in the center. He'd been given this by his Mom for his birthday one year. A homemade lucky charm "This is why our family is so lucky." his Mom had said to him. "As long as you have this, you'll always have luck on your side, my little kitten." Thomas wore it everywhere he went, as a constant reminder that he always had luck on his side if he believed in himself.

Thomas then looked at Plagg. "Ready for some fun buddy?"

"Let's just get to the party before they hand out the cheese course! Rich people always have the best cheese and I'm gonna try every last one of them!"

"Sounds good to me. Plagg, Claws Out!"

Miraculous: Tales of Ms. Ladybug and Tom CatTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang