CHAPTER TWO, read-throughs & skate parks

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It's the day of the read-throughs

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It's the day of the read-throughs. Most read-throughs were pretty basic. You would sit together and just read the script with each other. As Oliver walked into the bomb shelter where they would be having practice he noticed that desks were set up in a circle in the middle of the room. After having a conversation with Big Red and Ricky Miss Jenn announced for everyone to take their seats.

Oliver found his seat between Ashlyn and Seb. Oliver sent Ashlyn a friendly smile when they made eye contact and she sent one back to him. Oliver scans the circle that was formed in the bomb shelter, his eyes landing on Gina. She looks at him when she realized he was staring and a light shade of blush appeared on his face since he was embarrassed she caught him staring.

She just smiles at him and he shyly smiles back at her before averting her eyes and ducking his head, hoping he doesn't embarrass himself anymore. He often embarrassed himself, but ever since Gina arrived he has been embarrassing himself around her. It might possibly be because he likes her. Only a friend though!

Oliver glances over where Miss Jenn is at beside Big Red and Ricky when he hears her speak. "Ginger boy, can you read?"

"Uh...Not really." Big Red responded.

Miss Jenn smiles. "Well, you're reading now. Just the stage directions. Thank you. Excuse me." Miss Jenn then walks over to her seat and Carlos goes to his seat as well. "Silence your phones!"

Miss Jenn looks at everyone with a smile once everyone was sat down. "I realize you all walked in here as strangers."

Ashlyn points at EJ. "Actually, EJ's my cousin."

Miss Jenn then started explaining how everyone in the room will become like a family. Oliver thought the tension in the room right as she said that was so thick it couldn't even be cut by a knife. Miss Jenn asked everyone to hold hands for this speech and Oliver watched with raised eyebrows as EJ and Ricky hesitated to hold hands. He noticed that Ricky looked happy to be holding Nini's hand, but Nini looked uncomfortable.

"Feel each other's energy." Miss Jenn continues. "Let the silence speak volumes. In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes."

Oliver stifled a laugh, thinking it was ridiculous. Carlos, however, was pleased by what Miss Jenn just said. He furrowed his eyebrows whenever Miss Jenn suddenly starts singing 'We're All In This Together'. When the song ended Ashlyn claps and then realized no one else did. Big Red looks at Oliver and mouths to him, "Did we just join a cult?"

A small laugh leaves Oliver's lips and he mouths back to him, "Basically."

After doing some warm up exercises they started reading the script. Big Red is one of Oliver's best friends, but if he wasn't going to start read any faster Oliver was gonna punch him. Big Red read the stage directions so slow and it was obvious everyone was annoyed with it. Miss Jenn interrupted him, telling him to not run it all together and just read the punctuations. That didn't work because Big Red actually read the punctuations along with the stage directions.

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