CHAPTER ONE, auditions

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"Thanks for the ride!" Dahlia said as Oliver pulls up to East High Middle School

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"Thanks for the ride!" Dahlia said as Oliver pulls up to East High Middle School.

Oliver nods at her and smiles. "Yeah, no problem. Behave in school."

Dahlia chuckles lightly. "You know I will. And the same goes to you."

She looks at him with a teasing smile causing him to roll his eyes. "You know I'll be fine." He unlocked the door and leans over to playfully shove her.

Opening the door, Dahlia laughs a bit. "Okay, okay. I'm going."

Oliver leaves the middle school and heads over to the high school. After he parks his truck and gets his backpack, he meets up with his two best friends, Big Red and Ricky.

"Hey, guys." Oliver greets, putting his backpack over his shoulders. He walks beside them as they walk into the school. "What's up?"

"Ricky thinks this school year is when he starts over with Nini." Big Red replied and Oliver nods. "Oh, okay." He remembered seeing the video of Nini on Instagram where she basically confesses her love to Ricky in a song.

"So, like, did you communicate at all after what happened?" Oliver asked Ricky, walking down the steps and to a hallway.

Ricky shrugs. "We texted. She sounded neutral. Nothing about bad news or needing to have a big talk. Just, 'Hey'." He looks at Big Red and Oliver with a nervous expression. "That's good, right?"

"No idea." Oliver replied.

Big Red chuckles and looks at Ricky. "Summers are no man's land, Ricky. I don't know what 'Hey' means and clearly Ollie doesn't either. It's obvious you don't know as well."

"I think it's good." Ricky said, trying to reassure himself and Oliver chuckles a bit. Ricky nods. "Yeah."

"Yo, Nini," Ricky greets the brunette haired girl as he walks over to her with Big Red and Oliver following him. "What's good?"

Oliver cringes while shaking his head. He hated at how awkward this interaction was already. Nini closed her locker, turning to face the boys with a small smile.

"Hey." Ricky smiled.

Nini nods at him. "Hey. Um...Can we talk?"

"That doesn't sound good." Oliver muttered, sending a sheepish smile to Ricky when the boy looks back at him with a glare.

"I met somebody else at camp." Nini explains. "I didn't plan..."

Ricky looks at her with shock. "Wait. Wait, is this a joke?"

"Still talking here." Nini pointed out.

Kourtney looks at her with wide eyes and there was a small proud smile on her lips. "Ooh, snap!"

"I met someone at camp." Nini continues. "Uh, I didn't plan for it to happen, but it happened. He was the Music Man, I was Marian, the librarian. It's called a showmance."

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