Chapter 16

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"we should add them to the museum." Lightning said.

"no." Doc said. "somethings are mine." Doc added. Lightning nodded.

"okay." he agreed. Doc looked at him.

"thats it no fight?" Doc ask, suspicious of the younger.

"nope. somethings aren't meant for everyone to see." Lightning replied. "I wouldn't want everyone seeing my wrecked suit, but if you're willing we can put the good one in there." Lightnings added. Doc raised an eye brow at him. "what?" Lightning ask.

"when did you get a heart?" Doc ask. Lightning huffed at him. Doc chuckled slightly, throwing his arm around the youngers shoulders. "I appreciate the Hudson Hornet wing of the museum kid, really, but those suits aren't going anywhere." Doc murmured. Lightning nodded.

"thats okay." Lightning said. "keep them." Lightning shrugged as they walked into the house. Doc shut the door behind him. Lightning plopped onto the couch, unstrapping his boot and propping his let up onto the table. Doc headed for the kitchen. Lightning laid over on the couch, stretching out over the cushions and closing his eyes. he laid like that a moment, before Doc walked over.

"move or I'll sit on your head." Doc said. Lightning opened his eyes and sat up enough Doc could sit down. Lightning laid back down over his lap, looking up at him. Doc raised an eye brow at him, a cup of coffee in his hand, almost amused. "you did good today kid. I'm surprised you didn't freak out after your wreck yesterday." Doc said.

"I was too distracted and once I realized what was going on... I kinda realized that I was fine." Lightning shrugged a little looking at Doc. "I was focused on arguing with you and then thinking about Chick and I just didn't even notice. its a normal thing and I just have to readjust." Lightning said. Doc chuckled slightly and ruffled his hair gently. Lightning turned his head to watch tv when Doc turned it on. "isn't it a little late in the day to be drinking coffee?" he ask. Doc snorted and propped his feet up on the table..

"its never too late for coffee, and its only 4 in the after noon." Doc muttered, setting his cup down. he flipped through the channels, his free hand playing with Lightnings hair almost absentmindedly. then he seemed to realize something. "hold on. sit up." Doc said. Lightning sat up confused and watched him walk off. he shrugged, but got up off the couch and headed for the kitchen. he need a drink. he grabbed himself a cup, poured himself a cup of orange juice, and was just about to take a sip when something was plopped on his head hitting the cup and spilling his drink down the front of his shirt.

"hey!" Lightning huffed turning around. Doc was chuckled. Doc had put the Hudson Hornet helmet on him, without a care in the world he was trying to get a drink. Doc chuckled watching him flip up the visor and glare at him.

"sorry." Doc snickered. Lightning huffed and sat the cup down, shaking his hand off. he headed to change shirts, the orange juice was going to get sticky if he didn't change. Lightning grumbled and headed into the spare room. he paused catching himself in the mirror. he helmet looked just like it always had in the pictures. he smiled a little and pulled the helmet off, setting it on bed before ripping his shirt off. he pulled a new one on and carried the soaked shirt to the laundry room. "you're not wearing your boot kid." Doc said.

"I was just intending to get a drink." Lightning replied. Doc snickered from where he sat on the couch. Lightning huffed and sat down, snatching Docs coffee and taking a sip of that.

"thought it was too late in the day for coffee?" Doc ask.

"you spilt my drink." Lightning muttered.

"well if you look just to the left of my coffee cup, I got you a new drink. drink your own." Doc said.

"you're not a very good sharer. don't take my blanket, don't drink my coffee." Lightning huffed. Doc chuckled slightly.

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