Chapter 13

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"does it... really change anything? I've spent the last what, two days? sleeping in your bed curled up with you. I mean... we're pretty much already together all the time, generally with me leaning on you, but you know." Lightning said. Doc nodded after a minute. the kid was right, it really didn't change anything, they both just felt better now that it was in the open. before his wreck it would've changed everything, but after the wreck, Lightning had needed him so much that it really didn't change much.

"yeah, you're right. a couple months ago it would've change a little more, but you've been hanging around since your wreck." Doc mumbled. they got up from the table once they were finished, cleaned up and headed for the living room. they settled onto the couch, Doc propped his feet up on the table, arms over the back of the couch. Lightning sat beside him wincing, he took his boot off carefully and rubbed his leg.

"any idea when I get out of these stupid things?" Lightning ask. Doc looked over.

"the cast should come off soon, I have the appointment card for that in my wallet. you can ask them about your leg then." Doc said.

"good. my arm itches under this stupid thing." Lightning grumbled.

"take a pencil and scratch." Doc said. Lightning gave him an odd look.

"what?" he ask. Doc raised an eye brow and stood from the couch. he headed for the kitchen and returned with a pencil.

"take this, the eraser end, poke it down your cast and use it to scratch. learned that after my wreck." Doc mumbled. Lightning took the pencil and shrugged couldn't hurt. he poked it down into the cast carefully and used it to scratch his arm. oh god Doc was right.

"holy shit. it actually works." he mumbled.

"feels better don't it?" Doc chuckled, propping his feet back up onto the coffee table. Lightning nodded a little, yelping when Doc pulled him over to his side.

"h-hey, let me at least get comfortable. I know I'm smaller but you can't just pull me around." Lightning muttered, cheeks a soft pink. Doc smirked a little and let the younger get comfortable against his side, arm held up out of the way. he watched him carefully, doing his best not to get in the way of the smallers squirming. Lightning shifted to get off his bad leg, he really had to stop laying on it. Doc watched his face contort from pain to relaxed after a few minutes. Lightning leaned against him, head leaned back on Docs chest while half propping himself up on the olders leg. once he finally stopped moving Doc laid his arm over him and got himself comfortable. this was way too comfortable way too quick, but it didn't seem to bother either of them. not including the first three days they'd known each other, they were always comfortable with the other.

"how bad does your leg hurt?" Doc ask, flipping through the channels to find them something to watch. Lightning shifted some wincing, but relaxing in the feeling of leaning against the older man.

"its fine I guess. I keep laying on it though." Lightning muttered rubbing his leg. Doc nodded, settling on a show. they settled in and relaxed, content to be in each others company quietly and watch tv. until Docs cell phone went off. both looked at it on the coffee table, before Lightning tilted his head up to look at Doc confused. Doc had a dirty look on his face, somewhere between 'im too tired and old for this' and 'why the fuck are you ringing'. "you want that?" Lightning ask. he sighed and glared at the phone, before the look fell. curse that damned cell phone, always going off at the wrong times and curse his inability to ignore someone that could possibly be hurt, but he couldn't leave his friends high and dry like that.

"not really, but it could be someone got hurt." Doc muttered. Lightning nodded and sat up. he grabbed the cell phone before passing it to Doc and settling back into his previous position. Doc draped his arm back over the younger. "hello?" Doc ask. Lightning couldn't hear who was on the other line or what they were saying, but he could hear the almost annoyed sigh from Doc. "alright hold on, I'll be right there." Doc said, nudging Lightning. he sat up and looked at Doc confused. "yeah give me a minute, meet me at the clinic. I'm laying on the couch watching tv, I have to get shoes on, just get him over there and don't touch it, don't touch anything. I don't want anyone messing with it until I get a look. he better hope I don't have to call an ambulance for him." Doc said, hanging up. Lightning was even more confused.

McQueens big wreckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora