Black Heron

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Species: Heron

Enemies: Bentina Beakley, Scrooge McDuck, McDuck family

Description: Heron is a mix of genius, villain, insane, and cool. She is an expert in chemistry, robotics and martial arts, as well as co-founder of F.O.W.L., and is Mrs Beakley's oldest nemesis. Friend and colleague of Bradford Buzzard, she is far more accepting of her evil side, and is determined to make him feel the same.

Quote: "Oh Bradford... How villainous."

Appearance: Black hair, red dress, mechanical arm, red headband

Ideas: Well, Heron's a super fun character to write and read about in fics! Maybe someone could create a machine to bring her back from the dead, or to reverse time? Or maybe a fic could be set before the season 3 finale, when she was still alive? Perhaps she and the rest of FOWL could carry out a fiendish plot, or she could somehow have a character arc? 

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