Chapter 23- Awkward conversation

Start from the beginning

"Newell, I need you to gather the strongest vampires who would be willing to help guard our borders," Alpha Jack asked and dad nodded.

"The safe room would need to be doubled to accommodate all the women and children from both our pack and clan. So Darnel, how long would it take for some of the men to fix it?" 

The man who I  assumed to be Oni and Darrel's dad thought for a moment before he spoke.

"Two, maybe three days if some of Master Newell's men help out," Darnel inquired and my dad just gave a curt nod.

"Ok then once those things are settled there's really nothing we can do but rest, plan and wait," Alpha Jack finished and we all nodded.

"Ok so you guys can leave except Storm and Wesley," my dad added, causing me to roll my eyes.

'I knew it.'

Markus and Mary-kay gave me a goodluck smile before they were led out of the room by their mates. Leaving Storm and I in a room with our oh so loving father-in-laws who look like they wanted to strangle us. 

'This should be fun.'

The two men stared at Storm and I for the longest time before my dad spoke. After taking a few calming breaths.
"So you're the one that got my son pregnant?" Dad asked, causing me to choke on my saliva.
Storm patted my back gently and made sure I was ok before he turned back to our dad's.
"Yes sir," my mate answered hesitant while I held my breath. My dad silently glared at Storm causing my mate to look at me in the corner of his eyes pleading for me to save him. I ignored him as I stared intently at my dad trying to figure out what was going on inside of  his head. But before I could speak to voice my annoyance by his silence he spoke.

"Ok," was his simple answer as he shrugged.

"WHAT?" asked Storm and I as we stared at him wide eyed.

"What do you mean? Did you think that I was going to get mad and try to take  you away from your mate Wesley?" My dad asked and I looked up at him weirdly.

"Yes," I deadpanned.

"Wow, our own sons think so low of us Jack," Dad joked with a chuckle and Alpha Jack followed along.

"Um..what the hell weren't you coming to school to take me to the River Of Artemis to arrest me and kill Storm?" I asked confusedly, causing my dad's eyes to widen.

"Oh so  you saw me as the bad guy?" Dad asked but before I could answer he continued.

"I  would never hurt my  son, and besides do I look like I want the goddess to light my ass on fire? No," he replied.

"So you never were after us?" I asked.

"Of course I was but not to hurt you and your mate. But  to keep you safe. Because you see a few dads after we arrived at Maddison Alpha Jack had informed me of the fact that there was someone kidnapping werewolf/vampire mates. So once I heard from your mom that you got pregnant by a werewolf. I just knew that it had to be your mate so I came to get you. But kids nowadays always look at adults who are trying to help them," dad said with a scowl and I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Are you serious dad? Do you know how scared I was thinking that you and your guys were evil," I pouted.

"Well then you're dumber than I thought," he laughed and I couldn't resist the smile that was tugging at my lips.

"So how far along are you kids?" Asked Storm's dad as he leaned back in his seat behind his desk.

"I'm four months and a week sir," I stated as I subconsciously placed a hand on my stomach.

My dad and Storm's dad instantly shut up at my comment before they began to look at me concerned. 

"So far along, you're going to give birth just now," Storm's dad stated concern laced in his voice. But I just calmly shook my head before I answered.

"No sir I have five more months of being fat to go," I informed causing my dad and Alpha Jack to look at me weirdly. 

"What do you mean kid? All the males that I've seen could get pregnant. Always gave birth after four months even before."

"That may be true sir, but remember all the males you've witnessed give birth. Were werewolf males but I'm a vampire and as I was Informed would have a human pregnancy."

"That makes sense," Dad stated and Alpha Jack nodded his agreement. 

I stared at the two powerful men before me as I contemplated what should be said next.

"Alright, alright you guys must be exhausted from your trip so go and rest," Storm's dad stated. Storm and I bowed respectfully before we turned to leave.

"Oh and Wesley," called my dad and I quickly turned back to him.

"I'm glad that I have you back next we'll get your mom ok?"

"Ok dad," I nodded before I bowed again and left with my mate.

"Are you tired baby?" Storm asked me as he guided me up a flight of stairs.

I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess," I said as I placed a hand on my stomach and one on my lower back. And when I felt it I stopped right in my tracks as my eyes started to tear up.

"Tiger what's wrong?" Storm sweetly asked as he wiped one of my tears away. I quickly shook my head before I grabbed his hand that was wiping away my tears. And placed it on the part of my tummy where one of our babies had decided to make his presence known.

"You feel that?" I asked with a shaky voice as I stared  at my mate's confused face. 

"Wes I don't," he began but when the baby kicked again I watched as  my big strong mates eyes began to water.

"Yeah," he smiled through his tears as he nodded happily. Storm looked up at me before he tugged me down the hall and to a very neat bedroom which I assumed was his. Before I was lifted and placed on the bed. Storm climbed onto the bed and moved down to my stomach, before he pulled the baggy t-shirt that I had on up. Exposing my huge tummy. He then began to smother in kisses.

"I'm so happy you guys and your mommy are ok and I love you so much. And I can't wait until we can see you guys," he cooed causing me to giggle. My mate just looked up at me cutely and leaned into my touch when I caressed his cheek. 
"I love you and our children," I whispered sweetly, causing a huge goofy smile to break out on his charming face.

Storm quickly crawled back up to me before he connected our lips in a kiss. The kiss was heated and rough but passionate and full of love.
"I love you too," he whispered against my lips before he slid off of me only to lay down next to me. He pulled me up against his firm chest and planted a quick kiss on my forehead as my eye leds began to get heavy. I rubbed my cheek against his chest as a sigh of satisfaction escaped my lips before I allowed myself to be pulled into a dreamless slumber.
And though I felt comfortable in my mates arms. I could feel it. Something was coming something big.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it like I enjoyed writing it. More to come. Sorry for not updating in so long.

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