"When are you gonna leave that bitch?" Shelly asked

"Aye watch yo mouth. And I ain't" De said

"What the fuck you mean you not leaving her. So im just some pussy to you?" Shelly semi yelled

"I told you this from the jump" Dee said

"GET THE FUCK OUT" Shelly yelled

"Fine with me" Dee said as he grabbed all his stuff and walked out

Dee didn't understand why she was tripping. He had already told her what it was and what it wasn't. But he wasn't triping cause he already know that Shelly would be calling apologizing and saying she missed him by the end of the week.

Liyah was on her way back home when her phone started ringing. She glanced at her phone and seen it was her mom. She quickly answered the phone.

"Hola mama" Liyah said
(hello mama)

"Oye mi amor, como estas?" Maria asked
(hey my love, how are you?)

"Im bien im en mi camino a casa que tal tu" Liyah said
(im fine, im on my way home how about you)

"Im bueno, como es Jay tratando que?" Maria asked
(im good, how's Jay treating you?)

"Sí mamá. Además de que él trata de hacer una broma cada minuto, todo está bien" Liyah said
(Yes mama. Besides him trying to make a joke every minute, everything's good)

"De acuerdo, solo asegurandose de que" Maria said
(Okay, just making sure)

"Pero has visto a papa? Lo llame, el nunca me llamo de vuelta" Liyah said
(But have you seen dad? I called him, but he never called back)

"Oh dios mio miel te olvidaste? Se fue a mexico a visitarlo mama" Maria said
(Oh gosh honey did you forget? He went to mexico to visit his mom)

"Oh wow me olvidé" Liyah said as she laughed
(Oh wow I forgot)

"Puedo ver. Pero voy a hablar con usted más tarde bien? Dile a mi en la ley que dije hola" Maria said
(I can see. But I will talk to you later okay? Tell my in law I said hi)

"De acuerdo, lo haré" Liyah said

"Te quiero, mi amor" Maria said
(I love you, my love)

"Te amo también mami" Liyah said as she hung up the phone

Jada was in her room on her computer trying to find an outfit online. She was starting to stress because her gender reveal was in 3 weeks. She was about to say forget it and just buy a outfit from a store instead of online. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Yesss?" Jada singed

"Whatchu doing?" Jas asked

"Nothing really. Just tryns figure out what imma wear to the gender reveal" Jada said as she sighed

"Jada I know you stressing over this" Jas said

"Yes I am. Im tryna be be cute but not over do it" Jada said

"If you wanna go to the mall just say that" Jas said

"Girl you now you know Tai not finna let you let you leave the house without him and Zy don't want me drving so..?" Jada said

"We can ask Liyah and Ti if they wanna go" Jas suggested

"They might have to do something and plus ion wanna keep asking them. I'll just get Zy to take me one day" Jada said

"Okay" Jas said

"But I gotta tell you something" Jada said

"What?" Jas asked

"Im thinking about going to college" Jada said

"Bitch I though I was the only one thinking about that" Jas said

"Yea but ion know what to apply for even though imma be doing it online. I only got two in mind" Jada said

"What?" Jas asked

"Snhu or Walden University" Jada said

"I wanna go to FAMU" Jas said

"Flordia?" Jada asked

"Yup" Jas said

"Thats different" Jada said

Jas nodded in agreement. Jada phone had flashed and she seen it was a text from Zy.

"Hold on" Jada said as she put Jas on pause


im otw

zy its late just come back tomorrow
Read 9:53 Pm

Jada started rolled her eys as she took Jas off pause. She didn't like how Zy was coming late knowing there was a possibility he driving high.

"So you know how you gonna have your hair for the baby shower?" Jas asked

"No. But I might just do a slick back" Jada said as she shrugged

"Man we use to be #FTK but look at us moms at 18" Jas said

"Crazy" Jada said as she chuckle

"I already told Tai we having two and thats it, but we not finna have it back to back. We can at least wait 3 years" Jas said

"Mmcht Zy want 5. Talking bout some 'if ion get my boy i better be ready for the second baby'. Ion care when my 6 weeks up im getting bc faster than flash can run" Jada said seriously

"She said faster than flash can run, im weak" Jas said as she bust out laughing

"You laughing im being serious" Jada said

"Thats why im laughing" Jas said laughing harder

"It was never that funny" Jada said as she mugged the phone


"Thank you" Jada mumbled

Zy had just walked in Jada room giving her food. Jada had looked up and seen his eys were low and red. She rolled her eyes grabing frappe.

"Whatchu rolling yo eyes fo" Zy asked

Jada just ignored him drinking her carmel farppe.

"You and this little attitude you got bout to blow my high" Zy said

"I hope it do" Jada said

"Yo, what is yo problem?" Zy asked

"Zy your high and you know ion like you driving while your high" Jada explained

Zy chuckled a little. "Man im barley high" Zy said

"And now you wanna laugh like shit funny" Jada said as she started crying

At this point Jada hormones were taking over. Zy was taking back a little. He was prepared for this.

"Come here" Zy said

Jada started walking towards him.

"Stop crying. Im sorry for driving high" Zy said truthfully as he wiped her tears

"You really care about a nigga huh?" Zy added as he smriked

"And you know I do"Jada said

"Gimme kiss" Zy said

Jada stood on her tipy toes and pecked his lips. Zy sucked his teeth wrapping his hand around her neck and started tounging her down. Zy started making his way down to her neck.

"I want you" Jada moaned out

And with that Zy picked her up, placing her on the bed. Tonight was gonna be a long night for the both of them.


Excuse any mistakes!

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