change in plans

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Their were more then three people here now I counted the seconds that went past .it did not take long before I felt the cold feel of a metal chair I was shoved down one wrist was untied while the other was wound behind the chair then my wrist was tied to the other again this time I could not even twist my wrist .then a voice that did not belong to charlie asked why were you with Matt and Morgan .I said I don't know then. fist smacked to the side of my face then again then again then again each time harder .fine let's have a easier thing how old are you.11 .good now what is your name I said frost .how do you know Morgan and Matt .I don't .then the fist slammed hard into my nose twice I could real the blood drip down .I screamed out charlie .I herd Charlie's foot steps .then his voice that's enough mark the scarf was off my head and my hands were untied oh no it was happening I had to find my pills .I looked at charlie .I need the med pillsn.I held my neack it hurt .he threw the back bag and I was about to grab the bottle when mark grabbed the bag from me the one I could not control was the cordial it was the worste curse and the best gift I looked and the flames were on my arms moving down I fell to the ground I looked at charlie and I said charlie please I can't control it .mark found the pill bottle and he looked at the writing he looked down at me and said you don't need those .he pulled the lid of the bottle and he pored it all on the floor he stomped them up now teries were running down my face I could now see a few more of the people then before  a few had a big smile on their face .then I noticed that all had a different kind of weapon on them well if it was the same weapon did something different I remember reading it in a book .I grabbed one of the smock bombes from my bag and I set it for 12 seconds I threw it into the air and it exploded gas filled the room I ran for the girl in the corner with on of my daggers I noticed she droppedf it on the floor I grabbed it and I jumped into the air doing a flip back to my spot the smoke cleared some had their hands on thair hand on their wepoen one guy had his twin guns pointed at me then I noticed charlie was not ware he was a second ago then a sowerd  tip touched my back I turned and it was charlie he wisped are you planing on hurting people little brother I shock my head no vary quick .he walked to ware I may see him without turning .he dropped the swored in his hand .I let my hard down I felt safe when he was around he was like my big brother .the one who beat my face pulled a kinini from his side and he ran over but charlie did not notice I grabbed marks arm and I flipped him in the air he landed on his back with a shocked look charlie did the same .I looked at everyone in the room I raised my voice to no one touches him or your as good as dead .that all probably took it as a threat because that had their weopens out and that were getting closer. their was a boy who looked like 9 it made me miss him I pointed the knife up and I had my back turned to the doorway .a sudden noise broke threw the the yelling it was ace charlie had introduced us go figure now I knew why .he said now guys back away from the kid .every one had a scared look even charlie that backed away faster then that came .yay was ace all right I would not point the dagger at them if I were you thay are vary good at killing .then he was gone I could not since his energy then a gun barral was on my temple and a hand was raped around my waist holding my arms down .how .when .he is fast  I kept still not having any resistance at all I did not notice that I dropped the dagger to my feet he wisped time for you to die I closed my eyes tight and I whaited for the bang that would come when he shot the bullet threw the vital spot but instead a sharp object pieces my side it went in deep and came out slowly .i let out a little groen I fell to one knee I had one hand on my side .he called Cody over and the boy that looked so much like 9 ran over .he pulled up my shirt and he looked at the cut his eyes widened . he looked at ace and said he has increadibale healing .he looked back at me and I said well you it is because of the curse mark and the 13 tails their chakra  mixed with mine create increadably fast healing along with many other great power .I diminstaded by taking my dagger from the ground and I cut deep into my  wrist it was small but dep so it healed in two minutes . he looked at charlie and gave him a look charlie walked over from the corner and he mother the word sorry  ..... Everything went back I woke up in a vary dark room but my eyes adaptide to the lack of light I could see that it was a room with no windows and worst of all no air ducted or vents .the don't exit was the door and it was most likely looked from the outside .god that are all crazy at this point I will never find my friend and I will lose her to and I'd die here and know one would care not even charlie . if been alone ever since that day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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