The first Elimination

Start from the beginning

Makorish she seemed funny when we chatted earlier. She's new to love or host just like me so I don't really know her. But she's stunning. She had long thick curly hair. And a crop top with the word Queen on it. She also had brown eyes to that matched her hair. She had A green screen that was set In Minecraft.

"Next up on our list of contestants. All the way from the UK. We have Ms Caprice, Caprice go ahead an introduce yourself." "Thank you darling. Hello Dream, I'm 26 from the UK. I'm a variety streamer. I do things like makeup and gaming. I'm not that new to twitch I've been streaming for a few months now. I've been really into shooter games lately and yeah that's about it." "Look it's Tommy's mother, motherinnit," Dream mocks. "Yes yes I'm know for being motherinnit." "Thank You caprice welcome aboard the show."

I've always loved caprice. She was always so sweet and loving. I wouldn't be surprised if she won. She was so nice to me on my interview that we even follow each other on Twitter, and messaged each other once. She was like a mother figure with her wise words.

"Next up to be introduced is, it's also her first time on the show is Ms. JennaMarsh, go ahead and introduce yourself." "Okay Hello I'm JennaMarsh you can just call me Jenna, and no I'm not blind if you guys know the reference. I'm mainly a just chatting streamer, I do game a little bit but not too much. I'm 19 I live in Florida but I'm from California, and I can't wait to get to know you Dream." "What part of Florida do you live in," Dream ask. "Oh I live in Winter Haven". "Oh that's really close that's only and hour away. That's very cool." Dream says. "Okay thank you Jenna welcome aboard the show".

Jenna was also new to the show. I liked her vibes she gave off nice vibes. When we talked earlier she was kind've quiet. But not that we're in the show she seems less shy. She had long black straight hair that went down past her shoulders. Her background was bland just a purple wall. But it had a picture that said I follow my Dreams, How fitting.

"Up next to introduce herself. This is also her first time on the show, we have Ms. U/N. Go ahead and introduce yourself." It was my turn to introduce myself. I had already prepared my introduction in my head. "Thank you Austin, Hello Dream I'm so excited to be here. My names U/N or Y/N. I'm a variety streamer, I stream first person shooter games, all the way to games like Stardew valley. Im 21 years old. I live all the way in New York, Not close as others but we can make it work. I'm really excited to get to know you and have fun on the show today." When I spoke I had all the confidence in the word. "Quick question," Dream says. "Go for it it," I say. "Have you ever played Minecraft," Dream asks. I laugh "No I haven't played Minecraft before. Just kidding I play a little bit I mainly play in the hipixel sever a lot". "That's great to hear. How is the snow currently in New York," he asks. "There actually no snow here currently. It was also a sunny day today as well." "Wow I expected it to be a winter wonderland," he says. "Well it's not", I laugh. "Thanks you so much Ms. U/N welcome aboard the show".

I felt really good about this first round. I think Dream really liked my vibes. It also seemed like he was interested in the fact that u played Minecraft which made sense. I felt like my introduction stuck out more than the others, So I'm thinking I'm safe for this round. I get I text from my phone and I look at it.

x3 new messages


Melody: Your introduction was so nice.

Ken: Show him what the fuck he dealing with.

I laugh and close my messages and start to pay attention again to see that it's susu turn.

"-I also have a big knife collection," Susu says. I must've tuned her out for a minute. "How many knifes do you have," Dream asks. "A lot," is all she responded with. Dream laughs. "Okay thank you so much Susu welcome aboard the show."

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