1 / stoic

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The low, constant roar of the bell blared across the entire village.

"The shrine is under attack!"

With narrowed eyes, Machi surveyed the attackers through the crack of the wall.

8 utilising ranged attacks and 3 relying on brute force.

Machi slammed the doors to the shrine open. "Guards! Focus on the potioneers and archers, I'll handle the rest of them!" she commanded.

What fools. Machi could barely keep up with the number of times treasure hoarders took an interest in this shrine, attempting to take the amulet for themselves. It was simple. She didn't even have to move a single step, as all that was required of her was a graceful sweep of an arm to release a blast of wind which knocked back her attackers. She was often told that her attack resembled that of a crescent moon, which ripped through the air, slicing anything in its path. If she wasn't careful, those men could've been severed into two.

"Leave, and don't think about coming back."

Despite laying defeated on the ground, the leader of the treasure hoarders scoffed, "We won't need a return trip, bitch."

Machi sighed, "I can see right through your tricks."

Just as a blade was about to make contact with her back, a wall of wind manifested, sending her attacker stumbling back into the shrine. Turning to face the assailant, she was met with a grunt who aimed a rusty sword at her.

"Not bad at all... I like a challenge" He snickered. He lunged at her, brandishing his sword at her shield.

She deflected all of his swings with her impressive command of the wind, focusing a large amount of wind at the areas he struck - but she knew she couldn't last long in close combat. Every blow ripped through the layers of the wind, with each one weakening the barrier ever-so-slightly.

Drawing him in, she waited for the moment he closed in for the finishing blow to release a huge burst of air, sending him flying towards the wall.

Thud! The ground vibrated as the man slumped onto the wooden floor. "Leave now and I'll show you mercy." Machi warned, her eyes burning daggers into the man laying on the ground. Straining to get on all fours, the man spat, "Cocky bitch!"

Everything that happened after occured in a flash.


A black blade had slashed through the remnants of her barrier, emitting a sound akin to ripping a paper apart.

Machi grimaced, clutching at her side as her blood splattered onto the wooden tatami floor. Her eyes widened at the sight of the treasure hoarder grunt who, just a few seconds ago, was lying helplessly defeated on the ground. She found herself staring back at pair of pitch black orbs, the white in his eyes nowhere to be found. Undisturbed by the wounds on his body, he stood upright, a huge grin plastered on his face. 

Since when did he...? His sword! It transformed? No, it wasn't a sword. It's a demon art!

He sauntered to the altar where the amulet was displayed, with no hints of his previous struggle. "Did you enjoy my little play? It's tough to act weak" he goaded.

How did I miss this?! 

She strained to stay upright, leaning on the wall for support. She surveyed the man - no demon, who paid no regard to her as he picked up the amulet, holding it up so that the tiny emerald jewel dangled at eye level. 

"Why, it's a lot smaller than I imagined it to be!" 

"Stay away from it" she choked.

Paying no heed to her demand, the demon went on.

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