14: New plans

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"Alright, everyone! New day, new plan! We're rebels now and gotta save Etheria from who-knows-what!" I stand up lifting my fist to the heavens in a proud stance.

"I'm just wondering why you said everyone since it's literally just the two of us." Serenia is standing in the left corner of the ship, leaning against the wall.

"Anyways, here's the plan! We take back my sword, I transform into she-ra and scare the First Ones away, also, I'll kick Mr. Serge's butt, and Light Hope won't be alone anymore!" My smile turns into a smirk as I say that part with Mr. Serge.

"You know, I think you should let me do the planning..."

"Yeah... It never really has been my strong suit, hasn't it?"

"Alright." Serenia stands up. and walks up to me. "I have offered you several times to go to Arxia with me to learn as much as possible about, well, everything, but you declined every time."

"No... Well... I promised I would go picking berries with Razz Sunday, and Plantia wanted me to meditate with her to try and see the good in Mr. Serge (which obviously didn't work), and Scarrion wanted me to meet al of the new friends she made yesterday..."

Thinking about it, maybe it's a pattern... "What is Arxia anyways?" I grab some bread that was lying on the dashboard just to rip it with my hands, not to eat it.

"Arxia is a place. It holds all First Ones archives and shit. I think we could learn more about the project there."

"Wait, why haven't you told me it existed before?" 

"It was classified. And I've been trying to tell you the past few days but you never listened. You were too busy picking berries with Razz." 

I smirk and tap Serenia's shoulder. "Aww, you're jealous I've been spending more time with Razz than with you..." I laugh and pick up the sword serenia has given me as temporary replacement for the other one.

"Girl, you wish!" Serenia puts her swords on her back and we start walking out of the ship. It's been a few days since I've last seen Light Hope and I've really started to miss her. I think I've been spending so much time with other people for that exact reason. To get my mind off her.

"Where is Arxia, anyways?" 

"It's in Mystacor! First One's used to go there all the time a few years ago, it was like their base! The sorcerers were like their acolytes and only they can open the entrance. I've been there like three times since my arrival but I always received a pass from my uncle. Now we'll have to try and convince them..."

"Do not worry about that. Everyone LOVES She-Ra!" I say confidently as we make our way through the whispering woods, just to realise I don't have my sword.


"I am very sorry. We cannot let you enter without a First One's pass." The head sorcerer is sitting on his throne. I don't know if it's really a throne though... Maybe it's just a chair to show that he's the most powerful sorcerer.

"WHAT?" I shout surprisingly loudly as my mouth basically hits the ground.

"Oh, come on! You know me! I've come here like three times already!" Serenia steps up while I'm really disappointed to not have She-Ra to impress them right now. I'm sure it would've worked. The head sorcerer shakes his head and still refuses.

"I thought you guys hated the First Ones..." As I say those last words, his eyes suddenly become really big in surprise.

"Queen Angelina and the rest of her kingdom my hate the First Ones, but we certainly do not! The First Ones are the original settlers of Etheria and helped us build Arxia which later became Mystacor!"

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