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They walked out to the backyard and sat in the middle of the grass together. "I'm so c-cold" George said, shaking. "here" Dream said while taking off his jacket and putting it on Georges shoulders. George was kinda in shock so he just looked at dream and said "thanks" with a smile on his face. After about a minute, dream just layed down and stared at the gorgeous stars. "what are you doing?" George said while looking back at dream straight
in the eyes, which always makes dream just wanna... Kiss him and never, ever stop. Dream pulled himself together and said "Oh come on, lay with me and watch the stars:)" dream said with a soft smile on his face. George didn't know what to say since all of his friends ALWAYS say that, so he just layed down like dream said. "hey you see that George?" "see what?" "The stars, it kinda looks like you" dream said as he chuckled. "Wow, I take that very offensive dream" they both chuckled as dream looked over at George. George could see dream looking at him from the corner of his eye, so he looked back. "What? Looks like you wanna kiss me or something" George said as he laughed. Dream staying serious said, "maybe I do" George had no idea what he could say. He was about to say what first came to his head but before he had the chance to say anything, dream leaned in and said, "you scared?" so close, there lips where practically touching. "no" George said looking at dreams lips and back up, over and over again. Dream pushed there lips together without any hesitation, which made George think, what is happening? This is weird, I kinda like it though... Without that, George began to kiss back and run his hands threw dreams dirty blonde hair. "D-ream" George said as he barley opened his mouth but, just enough for dream to slip his tongue in. They finally stopped making out after about two minutes. Dream sat up and said, "I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking"  Dream was very nervous, not because he just kissed his bestfriend but because he just realized that he has romantic feelings for his bestfriend. of course he wasn't gonna tell him, you crazy?! "It's fine, it was just a kiss and it didn't mean anything anyways" All George wanted to say was how he really felt. He knew he didn't JUST feel that way because of the kiss. He knew it was more. And he didn't wanna ruin things.


•This is part 2! It took me like 2 days to write because I got very confused on what I was doing at the end LOL. It's also a very short story but kinda left on a cliffhanger!

•I hope you like it, ill be writing part 3 today!

•Votes are pog :D

•Song: Mask By: Dream.

•511 words.

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