Scenario 1

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|De-aged scenario, would prefer Five interactions but I'm fine with anything. Aged 31, physically 5/6|

The Hargreeves had more than enough time travel to deal with, Thatcher especially felt this way with how it ended up. He was originally only 31, both before being trapped in the 60's and afterwards, and he still was mentally but that didn't stop [Character] from treating him like a child which was starting to annoy Thatch a lot.

Options for where scenarios can lead:
1. Grumpy, cuddly nap time
2. Park adventure
3. Nightmares
4. Thatcher being a brat leading to [Character] treating him more like a kid to get him to stop
5. Thatcher or [Character] being sad and the other cheering them up
6. Open to discussions/make up your own!

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