Chapter 1~

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     The big college halls filled with students of all majors. Screams and fights occurred. Small talks by the water fountains as well. But there was one thing all students had in common...and that was praising the three most handsome boys in the whole Deobi college.

Kim Younghoon, Lee HyunJae and last but certainly not least; Lee Juyeon.

They were called as the "Bermuda Line". Everyone on campus was heads over heels for these boys. Everyone wanted to date them, but they always declined or even make up an random excuse that they wanted to "avoid" a relationship.

   But anyways, continuing on with the story, the halls were filled and students rushed in and out. Some students not giving two shits.

          The Deobi college broke out into full chaos when the Bermuda line walked in, wearing such nice clothes and bright handsome smiles. Girls squealed and boys stared. Others debating on what they should say or do.

             But all of the chatter soon came to an end when the college school bell dismissed them to their first class for the day.

       All students groaned deeply before they walked out of the hall. Others, going upstairs and some downstairs.


              Lee Juyeon, was sitting in class waiting patiently for his professor to start the day's lecture. He heard some whispered behind him, talking about how handsome he was and how he would make the perfect boyfriend . Juyeon just laughed quietly before looking back at the front of the room. Gaze focused on the professor Mrs.Lee.

        "Good morning class" Mrs.Lee said standing in front of the room.
     "Good morning Mrs.Lee" students said as they groaned quietly, slouching in their seats.

           "So today, we will be researching about what you guys would like to accomplish in life, what you would want to do and what would your life look like in 10 years." Mrs.Lee said.
      "So basically telling us, what is your life plan or goal?" Mrs.Lee added.

A student raised his hand in the back of the room. His light brown hair was bouncing on the top of his head.
"Yes Changmin?" Mrs.Lee said pointing towards the said male

"So we are basically sharing what our major is and what we want to do in the next years?" Changmin asked, his head titling slightly. Confusion written on his so cute face.

"Yes, but try to also explain why." Mrs.Lee replied, walking to her desk.

Juyeon looked back at the boy named to be "Changmin". Seeing his petite structure get back in posture. Seeing his beautiful cute pout form on his glossy pink pretty, lips. His big eyes were focused on Mrs.Lee. He just looked so ethereal and perfect.

Juyeon's thoughts were cut off by Mrs.Lee speaking up once again.

"You may, start now. If you have any questions please ask now. Take out your papers and pencils. Make sure to have correct spelling and punctuation." She reminded as students just ignored her saying and continue to took out everything that was needed.

Juyeon glanced at the boy that was seated a few seats away from him. Observing his small Hands grip his pencil while writing strongly on the piece of paper. His hands gliding across the paper, as he wrote down so many things.

Juyeon decided to just work on his own project before.....

"Psst." A tap on Juyeon's shoulder was all it could take for Juyeon to get distracted once again. Turning his head around to see a girl who smiled innocently at him.

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