Vampire dream

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Bang bang bang!!
Nightmare-I'm coming. I'm coming.
Nightmare opens the door and gets tackled to the ground.
Nightmare-oh well welcome back Dream.
Dream-nightmare help me I'm scared.*shakingly grips on to nightmares shirt* (he's only wearing a thin white shirt topical in that time period.)
Nightmare-ssshhh calm down Dream show me where it hurts.
Dream-*looks at nightmare* my eyes are red, I have these sharp teeth, I have have this urge to drink blood, my stomach feels weird, and I have these wings on my back. What is going on?!
Nightmare- wait right here Dream.
Nightmare cuts his finger on his knife and goes back to Dream.
Dream-no no no no no!? *looks away trying to push nightmare away *
Nightmare-Dream stop fighting me and just drink it.*pins Dream's arms close to his chest as he pulls his face towards him and jams his finger in Dreams mouth *
Dream started to suck on his finger while crying in sadness and fear
Cross-*groggily* nightmare what's going on?
Nightmare *don't worry about it go back to sleep *
Nightmare-*whispers in dreams nonexistent ear * Dream you got turned into a vampire but don't worry I'll protect you.
Dream-what about you I'm a bad monster now *sniffles*
Nightmare-your not a bad monster Dream you just have a new gift we have to be careful with and for you too learn how to control it. Now how do you feel?
Dream-a little better but I'm still...*gets cut off *
Nightmare-*hugs Dream tightly* it's ok Dream I will always be here for you and so will my team.
Dream-Night I'm tired.
Nightmare-rest Dream it's late for both of us.
Nightmare gives a gentle sigh and takes Dream to his room and tucked him in locking the window and closed the curtains just to be sure if he's venerable to the sun then locks Dream's door and teleports to his bedroom stripping his shirt haft way and takes off his boots and hangs his gear up but keeps a cross on his bedside along with a dagger (his other gangs do the same) not for his brother but from other vampires and other evil.

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