Casual bloodbath in the making

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I say putting the vial down and leaving the scene.

3rd POV

One of the henchmen caught wind of the broken crate and saw the vials scattered all over the floor. He rushes to the scene and was about to alert the others but he was stopped by our sadistic hero. Both (Y/n) and Jane see another guard blocking there path.

(Y/n)- "alright. I'm tired of this. I'm going in guns blazing."

He says while about to walk right front and center for all to see but Jane put a hand on his arms in hopes of trying to stop him.

Jane- "what are you doing? This isn't part of the plan."

(Y/n)- "the plan changed. I'm tired of lying and wait."

Jane gets in front of him and aims for his head.

(Y/n)- "you don't want to do that. I can do this entire operation alone if I want to and I could add you to the pile of bodies if you'd like."

Her eyes narrow and she lowers her arm.

Jane- "fine. Go crazy then."

He nods and attacks a guard before ripping his throat out.....literally.... with his bare hands. He then whistle to get the attention of the others before throwing the dead henchmen at them. The now agitated henchmen started shooting at random, not even looking where they shot.

(Y/n)- "it's the try outs kid. Let's see what you've got."

Jane jumps into the mix as (Y/n) attacks the enemies from the ground. He'd been here before knowing the exact steps to take and when to take them. And when the grounds men had been murdered, he waited for the guards up top to be killed as well.

(Y/n)- "hehe, slow isn't she. Fine then."

While leaning against a shipping container, he takes out a book and reads it before getting a tap on his shoulder.

(Y/n)- "about time."

He says before closing his book.

Jane- "what are you reading?"

(Y/n)- "Gilgamesh."

Jane- "interesting."

(Y/n)- "well it's-"

Jane- "narrow it down."

(Y/n)- "cruel king finds a wild man to become friends with, he becomes richer, he rejects the sexual advances of a sex goddess, literally, they kill the wild man, and the king is angry."

Jane- "ah....weird."

(Y/n)- "I don't blame him for rejecting the advances of Ishtar. She's a toxic nightmare of a goddess. Trust me, I slept with her before."


The two sat on top of a building. Both drinking some fine wine Jane stole.

Jane- "so, wanna talk about how you got this burns?"

(Y/n)- "it's a ummm.... dumb and funny story."

My kryptonian daughter part 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu