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Now this one, this one is one I did for a club and I actually like it. The characters in this story are Actor Mark and Wilford. A little info on this is that basically It brings up things from wkm (who killed markiplier) now enjoy.

Warnings: violence at the end, gun


Wilford looked at the small package on his night stand it hadn't been there the night before. He cautiously picked it up setting it on his lap, Studying it curiously he runs his hand over the shiny red wrapping. It was add and made themans stomach twist with worry. Carefully he begins removing the paper once finished he looked at the plain brown box it wasn't what he was expecting put he also didn't know what secrets rested inside. Wilford opens the box to reveal nothing but a small invitation. That caught him off guard it was just like the one he had received oh so long ago. The worry in his stomach spread into his chest as he inhales sharply, gingerly removing the envelope from the box his mind went to visions of the incident. He hadn't thought about it for years but he still knew what this meant. It meant that the man who was supposed to be dead wasn't so dead after all. Slowly he opens the envelope and removes the card and begins reading. ' Hello there old friend! Its been quite a while hasn't it, I suppose you must be wondering what this is about well as you can remember years ago we had a party and I enjoyed myself greatly so I would like to do that again. Now before you decide that you won't becoming know your attendance is mandatory. The party will be tomorrow at noon don't be late I trust you still remember the address and I will see you there!' By the time Wilford finished reading his hands were shaking. 

His initial thought was to go into hiding and change his name again but he knew it wouldn't work no matter how well he covered his tracks his past would always catch up to him in the end. Throughout the rest of the day he prepared himself for the worst, taking out his gun he fiddles the trigger for a moment before loading it. It seemed the day went by in a flash and the next day was there before he knew it, Wilford hadn't slept at all he was to busy fidgeting and thinking and well just freaking out in general. He wasn't sure how this was possible but it was and for once Wilford was the one who was terrified. He dressed in khakis a yellow button up and pink suspenders it was his usual attire the only difference was the gun holster that gave him better access to his weapon in case it was needed.

 Before stepping into the garage he took a deep breath and grabbed his car keys. His mind raced as he drove towards the manor. He may have physically been in the car but mentally he was somewhere else, gripping the steering wheel tighter as he pulled into the long drive way leading to the large house his fear returned. 

Wilford wipes his palms on his pants and adjusts his suspenders before finally knocking on the door. He waits only a moment before the door comes swinging open. Standing there before him in all his snobby faced glory was Mark. 

The man wore a sickening grin as he Will up and down "Its good to see you old friend please please do come in!" he steps out of the doorway to let him in. Wilford enter the manor and looks around it hadn't changed at all. His mind flashed with memories of that it caused him to shudder. Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder he flinches away and reaches for his gun. "Still as trigger happy as ever I see Its nice to know you haven't changed." His smile was still there unaltered. 

Wilford swallows dryly and lowers his hand to his side but he doesn't relax he needed to ready for anything. "H-how are you alive? I-i saw you dead..."

 Mark fixes his red suit his smile fading a bit "Yes I do see how confusing that may be.. Well as you say life needs a little madness and well this is madness after all." he says shooting Wilford a cheshire smile.

 "Where are the others?" He questions. 

"The others won't be attending you were the only guest who's attendance was mandatory." Wilford knew now that coming here was a mistake he also knew there was no chance of escaping here today unless he makes sure Mark is actually dead this time. He grabs his gun and point it at the other man it wasn't till that point that he noticed how badly his hands were shaking, gripping the gun tighter he back up a step. "Now now Will we wouldn't want this to end badly now would we because I assure you this time I won't be the one dead on the floor." Mark says in a tone so calm its scary. 

Wilford wavered slightly at his words dropping his guard for a moment but It only took the single moment for Mark to get him up against a wall. He hadn't even had a chance to react and before he knew it his gun was across the room and a hand was wrapped around his throat. No matter how much he struggled he couldn't escape Marks grip his mind began to fog up from lack of oxygen. This was his end and just before everything went balck he heard Mark say "You are my Puppet you always have been..." and then there was nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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