My sunshine (Wilford x reader)

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Alright here is the first one folks. I actually wrote this one for a contest on the markiplier amino and I'm truly proud of it. For those of you who aren't familiar with Markipliers animatronic Wilford story well this is basically an interpretation of what I think happened.

Warnings: blood, gore, death

—-x— — —x—-x— - - — -

It was y/n's first day at their internship with the supposedly insane television host, Wilford Warfstache. They had heard both good and bad things about Mr. Warfstache so they were quite nervous to see what would happen. As they entered the large recording space y/n looked around at all the people bustling about getting things prepared for today's show, making their way further into the studio they heard a voice far above all the rest. y/n looked around in search of where the voice came from, suddenly they saw him the pink man himself. Wilford stood tall talking with one of the stage crew. Y/n watched as he took a glance around the studio until his eyes fell on them. A smile spread across his features. 'Why smile at me?' y/n thought to themselves. They didn't have much time to dwell on the fact before they were pulled aside and instructed on what to do.

As the show started Wilford did the intro and introduced his special guest in this case it was Phone guy. There were a bit of technical difficulties but nothing that couldn't be handled of course. Y/n was absolutely enthralled with it all. The way Wilford interacted with the interviewee was like nothing they had seen before, they didn't see what people were so worried about. Near the end of the interview the lights went out and a collected gasp sounded through the room. No one moved. Silence fell over the studio. Suddenly Wilfords voice rang out "looks like I will have to get things up and running again cause my crew is standing around like... metaphor..." It didn't make all that much sense but it startled y/n enough to take a step forward. Wilfords head swiveled over to look at Y/n "you." he pointed at y/n "your coming along let's go" he motioned for them to follow as he made his way down the hall. Y/n glanced around the studio seeing worried glances coming from the others but followed Wilford anyway so they wouldn't get fired on their first day. Little did they know that they should have just risked getting fired.

The two made their way through the dark halls the only thing lighting their way was a small candle in the show host's hand. Wilford mumbled things about giving people one job and always having to do things himself as they walked. It was almost comforting to y/n it helped ease the fear that was bubbling in the pit of their stomach. There were creaks and cracks as they entered the basement and it only seemed to get louder as they progressed through the darkness. When they reached the breaker Wilford handed the candle over to y/n so he could work without struggling. Suddenly footsteps could be heard through the long corridor, gripping the candle tighter Y/n took a deep breath and turned around. The sight before them sent fear tearing through them like a bolt of lighting. Towering above them was a large animatronic bear behind a rabbit. "Wilford?!" they questioned the panic emanating from their voice. Wilford turned to see what Y/n needed and just as he was about to say something he noticed the animatronics "oh shit-"


There's nothing...

The darkness...

It became my fear...

Wrapping around me...

Tightening its hold...

Till again there is nothing...

But then he comes...

And saves my soul....

For he is my sunshine...

And I am his....

When y/n awoke It was dark they couldn't see a foot in front of their face. The floor was damp and sticky with what they hoped was just water but they knew it most likely wasn't that. Wilford wasn't far away from Y/n they could hear his breathing, he didn't seem to be awake. They felt around for something, anything, that could tell them where they were but all y/n felt was the tile floor they were sitting on. They continued trying to figure out where they were till they heard Wilford start to stir, they turned in the direction of the sound and searched the darkness.

A bunch of short stories (reader insert)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora