Chapter 2: Ready To Crush

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Spyro could still not believe that he was part of the Skylanders. He may have only known about this group for half a day, but felt like he was going to make a bigger difference in Skylanders than he ever had before.
They were in the Meadow, overlooked by Eon's building which is called Eon Building, and this is where they began.
"This is the general hub of the Citadel," Hugo explained to Spyro, as Eon stayed back away, "Here, other Skylanders can chat, hang out, or prepare for missions."
Spyro gave a sweep of the area; it was fairly large with four trees on each side of the island. "I can see this place being filled up pretty quickly," he joked.
Hugo chuckled, "Yes, it will become crowded eventually, now follow me.". He turned around and walked to a wide but short building that was just opposite of Master Eon's Building.
Spyro could see many large rows of tables with chairs next to them. "This is the Mess Hall. If you're ever hungry, you can come here to grab a bite to eat," Hugo said.
"Well, there is also a Cafeteria in Eon Building so the Skylanders can eat there which is where you are so supposed to eat, but there is no chef in the kitchen since the previous Skylanders are gone. So, ever since the previous Skylanders had gone, the Cafeteria and the Kitchen have been closed. But they moved the food here before they were gone." Hugo said.
The purple dragon's stomach growled, and he realized that he still hadn't eat at all today. "What types are food there are here?" He asked eagerly.
Hugo thought for a second, "Steak, chicken, ham, bacon, eggs, mangoes, peaches, apples, pears, plums, guavas, bananas, papayas, oranges, honeydews, pies, mutton, cake, cookies, sandwiches, pizza, and cheese."
The whole time Hugo named the food, Spyro's mouth salivated more and more. When he finished, the dragon's mouth was wide open with his tongue sticking out. He began walking to the buffet table in a trance like way.
Hugo noticed this, and grabbed Spyro's tail, "Where are we going? We still have much to show you!" He expressed in a happy tone.
Spyro started to claw the ground, trying to reach the delectable food with no success. Hugo turned around, still holding Spyro's tail, walked out of the Mess Hall, with Spyro's claws running through the floor.
Twenty Minutes Later...
Hugo had dragged him for a while, until Spyro finally gave up, and began walking with his head hung low. Master Eon and Hugo were now taking Spyro to a couple of buildings behind the Mess Hall.
Master Eon presented this time, "These are the housing of the Skylanders. You can rest and sleep here in your own room."
Spyro pointed to the nearest building's symbol, "What are those weird signs on the buildings?" he asked curiously.
Eon chuckled, "That's right, I haven't told you yet, have I?" he said almost to himself.
Spyro raised a brow, "Told me what?"
"Well, each Skylander is put in an elemental group, a common ability tier that they share," he explained.
Spyro was enthusiastic, "Really? What element am I?"
"You, young dragon, are the element of Magic." Eon said.
"Magic," Spyro repeated himself in wonder, and then looked at Eon. "What are the other elements? What do these elements do?"
"There are twelve elements in total: Magic, Poison, Earth, Tech, Water, Fire, Dead, Undead, Life, Air, Light, and Dark. These elements make up Skylands. Sometimes, these areas can only be accessed by Skylanders of the same area." Eon explained.
"I see," Spyro said excitedly; More Skylanders would have to fill these slots, and that means more people to meet.
"I should also mention," Eon added, "that each elemental group has its own captain as well. You are, of course, Captain Of Magic."
Spyro smiled at the thought, 'This just gets more interesting by the second.' He wondered what other things he missed when he was at Windy Mountain.
He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice Eon and Hugo beginning to walk off to continue to the tour. He shook his head, and trotted after them.
Twenty Minutes Later...
On a completely different island, connected by a wooden bridge, was the Training Arena. Eon told Spyro that this is where the Skylanders can fight each other for practice, and hone their skills.
The purple dragon was fascinated by this, and when was even more intrigued when Hugo mentioned training dummies. He decided to give this a try and test them.
Spyro stood in the center of the Training Arena, awaiting Hugo to start the battle. The Mabu himself was in an observation building with Eon by his side. "Are you ready, Spyro?" he yelled from above.
"I'm ready for anything!" he boasted, "Let's do this!"
Hugo pressed nine buttons and then pulled nine levers in front of him. This began a chain of dummies to pop up from the ground for Spyro to attack, which he did. Every time one jumped out, he blasted it with his fire breath. This made the dragon slightly bored, thinking it was more like target practice than actual training.
When the simulation was finished, Eon and Hugo walked back down to Spyro's level, and walked over to him. "So," Hugo said eagerly, "What did you think?"
The dragon rubbed the back of his head, "Well, it wasn't very challenging," he responded honestly. "But I'm sure when more Skylanders join, it would be a lot funner."
Master Eon nodded and made a gesture toward the bridge for them to continue the tour.
Twenty Minutes Later...
Spyro's jaw was wide opened; how he could not have seen this until 60 minutes ago? It was literally right behind him... and it was shooting light from the top!
The trio were standing front of the Core Of Light: the benevolent machine that kept light in Skylands and held the darkness at bay.
Hugo had an indifferent look on him, "This was built by me, of course, it took months of preparations, but-"
"Hugo..." Master Eon warned sternly, but with a cheery face.
The Mabu fumbled with his fingers embarrassingly, "Uh, I mean, It was built by the Ancients long ago."
Spyro was confused, "Wait, why did you say you built it?"
Master Eon stepped up, and answered for Hugo, with a slight chuckle, "Hugo wants to be remembered and thinks that lying about who built the Core Of Light will grant that."
Spyro laughed and Hugo grew a bit irritated.
"What's the building behind the Core Of Light?" Spyro asked.
"I created that one..." Hugo said with the same indifferent look.
"Hugo..." Eon warned sternly, but with a cheery face.
"I mean it was created by the Ancients as well," Hugo said embarrassingly.
"But what is that building called behind the Core Of Light?" Spyro asked.
"The building is the Skylanders Headquarters," Eon answered, "That is when I give the most important missions to find special artifacts or delivered them to places before they fall into the hands of evil."
Spyro laughed, and Hugo grew a bit irritated, "Yes, well, moving on..." he uttered grudgingly.
"Hugo," Eon called, "We showed him everything already."
Hugo was surprised and looked around to confirm Master Eon's claim. Spyro chuckled, and looked up to Eon, "Thank you for showing me around," he thanked, "Now if you'll excuse me."
The dragon ran with great speed toward the Mess Hall, tongue hanging out in anticipation.
Master Eon laughed, and Hugo managed to chuckle despite his bad mood. The Portal Master then turned to face Hugo, and instructed, "Can you begin a list of all the Skylanders that will be joining?"
Hugo's annoyance disappeared, "Yes, Master Eon," he stated, before walking back to Eon Building. Master Eon followed behind in a slow pace.
Sixty Minutes Later...
"Oh, man!" Spyro shouted with pleasure, "Look at all this food!"
Where he stood, there was loads of food that Hugo had mentioned. He looked at each one with hunger in his eyes, wondering which one to eat first. The dragon settled with a chicken leg, and brought it over to a nearby table. Without pause, he began munching on the leg.
He did this with other foods including the steak, ham, and bacon; he really likes meat. As he was chewing on a bone in content, he heard someone enter the Mess Hall. He looked over to see Master Eon, with a serious look, approaching him.
"Spyro," he said, "I have felt an evil occurrence."
The dragon jumped of the chair and walked up to the old man. "You can feel evil?" Spyro asked.
Master Eon nodded, "I can tell when an evil intention has arisen," he explained, "and when I do, I send the Skylanders to prevent it, or, at least, stop it if it is too late."
Spyro furrowed his brow and nodded.
Now, this occurrence is at Twilight City on Dawndusk Island. I cannot tell what you will meet, so be prepared," Eon advised. After that was said, he turned around and headed for the exit with Spyro following him.
Sixty Minutes Later...
They both made their way to Master Eon's Building, and up to the Portal Of Power. Once there, Eon turned to face Spyro, "Hop on this, young dragon," he instructed.
The purple dragon complied, and stood there, ready for whatever would happen.
"Now, I know that this is your first mission, but I know that you will do fine," Eon reassured.
Spyro gulped and nodded. But there was something that he was curious, so he decided to ask.
"How do I get to Twilight City?" Spyro asked.
"You will arrived on a split with three different paths: a left path, a right path, and a straight path. There are also three cities: Rockwind City, Airsteel City, and Twilight City. The path that goes to the left goes to Rockwind City. The path that goes to the right goes to Airsteel City. The path that goes straight goes to Twilight City. So to get to Twilight City, go on the straight path." Eon answered.
Spyro gulped and nodded again. Master Eon used his magic and Spyro could see the bright light again, but he didn't cover his eyes this time. Instead, he just closed then, and waited for the process to be over.
When he opened them again, he found himself in a grassy area with flowers and bushes and trees around, and he was on a split. The split goes had three paths that go in three different directions: left right, and straight. Turning his head around in different directions, he could not see any 'evil' activity.
'Do I just walk around until I find it?' Spyro asked. He decided to just do that, since he had no other idea of what to do. He turned left and walked to the red bushes and searched in red bushes, and then he walked to the blue bushes and searched in blue bushes, and then he walked to the green bushes and searched in green bushes, and then he walked to the yellow bushes and searched in yellow bushes, and then he walked to the oranges bushes and searched in orange bushes, and then he walked to the pink bushes and searched in the pink bushes, and then he walked to the purple bushes and searched in the purple bushes, and then he walked to the brown bushes and searched in the brown bushes, and then he walked back to the split and face the gray bushes and he walked to them and searched in the gray bushes.
Then he turned around and walked back to the split. He was growing impatient as the trees covered the areas. Only when he turned around then he truly snapped. "Where the heck is this evil thing?" he yelled.
The next thing he knew, he heard the sound of dragon wings flapping, scaring him before he whipped around to see nothing there.
'This is ridiculous,' Spyro thought to himself, 'I'm sure it was my imagination. Maybe Master Eon made a mistake and there wasn't any evil, or...' He suddenly became nervous; had a the evildoers escaped? Had he failed his first mission already?
He was becoming too nervous until he heard the sound of dragon wings flapping again and the sound came from straight ahead, and then Spyro realized something and said, "Master Eon said that he sensed evil in Twilight Town and the path that goes straight leads to it, so that is what I am going to do!"
Then Spyro walked straight and walked on the straight path. Spyro walked for sixty minutes and stopped in front of the city's entrance. The entrance said: "Welcome To Twilight City"
Then Spyro entered the city and saw the same trolls that he saw in Worthwhile City causing chaos here. Spyro sighed, "The Undertrolls are causing trouble here too? Don't they ever get tired of being defeated? I thought the cities in Loom Island where I lived was the only cities that deal with these guys! I guess I was wrong! Then again, there is no one that I know that will save the citizens here, so there must be no one to save them! So I better stop them!"
Then Spyro walked up four steps closer to the Undertrolls, and called them, "Hey, Undertrolls!"
All of the Undertrolls turned and looked at Spyro but were confused.
"Hey, it's Spyro! But what are you doing here? We were not expecting you!" The Undertrolls said.
This made Spyro confused, "Then what were you expecting?" Spyro asked.
"We were expecting a gray dragon here!" The Undertrolls exclaimed.
"A gray dragon? Could that be who I heard flapping wings? After all, since I'm a Skylander..." Spyro said, until he realized that he said his thoughts out loud.
"Oops..." Spyro said.
"A Skylander!" The Undertrolls exclaimed. "Then we will have to defeat you now to make sure you don't recruit more people to be Skylanders!"
"Attack!" One of the Undertrolls said.
Then forty more appeared on each of the four roofs. Then forty of the trolls on the ground rushed to Spyro. Spyro battled the trolls individually, defeating each one. But while Spyro was battling the trolls, a gray dragon attacked and defeated the trolls on each of the four roofs. Then when Spyro finished attacking the last troll, he walked up to the rest of the trolls until he saw something amazing. There was a gray dragon battling the Undertrolls. 'A gray dragon battling the Undertrolls, huh?' Spyro thought to himself, 'Could this gray dragon be a Skylander?'
Spyro walked up four steps to take a closer look at the gray dragon, curious on how the Undertrolls knew about this dragon.
This dragon was a male, and looked exactly like Spyro but with different horns. His underbelly was dark gray as well.
The gray dragon shot earth from his mouth and defeated all of the forty trolls that he was battling. Then eighty trolls ran up to the gray dragon and he made a rockslide fall on the eighty trolls, defeating them in the process. This made Spyro realized that the gray dragon was the Earth Element. Then one hundred twenty trolls ran up to him and the gray dragon slammed his hands onto the ground and making rock blades popped up from beneath the trolls, and defeating them in the process. Then one hundred sixty trolls ran up to him, and the gray dragon shot gray water from his mouth and hands, and turned around, defeating all of the trolls in the process. When the gray dragon noticed that Spyro was there, he left and flew off.
"Wait!" Spyro yelled, but he was too late as the gray dragon had already flew off.
"I guess I must have scared him off," Spyro said to himself, "Because I was watching him the entire time. Bad idea to just stand there and just watch him like that."
Then Spyro heard more screaming and went to check it out by walking to the street which is just straight ahead from the Village Square where the gray dragon was battling the Undertrolls. Then Spyro walked up four steps along the street.
In the middle part of the street, there were more trolls but they don't look like the Undertrolls. These trolls were the color blue instead of green. This made Spyro wonder what kind of trolls are these.
"What kind of trolls are these?" Spyro asked.
"They are Overtrolls," A voice answered.
This answer made Spyro jumped as he was scared that somebody was sneaking up on him.
Then Spyro turned right to see the gray dragon in front of him.
"Overtrolls?" Spyro asked.
"Yes, Overtrolls," the gray dragon answered.
"Where do the Overtrolls live?" Spyro asked.
"The Overtrolls lived in the cave in a cliff above the highest bridge." The gray dragon answered.
"But what about the Undertrolls?" Spyro asked.
"The Undertrolls lives in the cave in a cliff below the lowest bridge." The gray dragon answered.
Learning about the Overtrolls made Spyro more excited to battle them as he had never faced Overtrolls before.
The gray dragon turned left and faced Spyro, and asked him, "You have never faced Overtrolls before, have you?"
"No, I have not!" Spyro answered.
"Well, then you're in luck if you want to face them," the gray dragon said, "Because we are going to fight them!"
Then the Spyro and the gray dragon turned and faced the trolls, and the gray dragon called them, "Hey, Overtrolls!"
The Overtrolls turned and faced Spyro and the gray dragon.
"Hey, there are two dragons here: a purple dragon and a gray dragon!" The Overtrolls said.
"Let's defeat them!" The Overtrolls said.
The Overtrolls ran up to Spyro and the gray dragon.
Then Spyro and the gray dragon fought the Overtrolls, each facing ten of them. Spyro blasted each troll with his fire breath, defeating them in the process while the gray dragon blasted each troll with his earth breath, defeating them in the process.
After all twenty Overtrolls were defeated, Spyro was even more excited and relaxed.
Spyro and the gray dragon turned to each other.
"You did excellent for a dragon who had never faced Overtrolls before," the gray dragon said.
"You were excellent too especially when you faced the Undertrolls," Spyro replied.
"Sorry for running, but you scared me, so I scared you back," the gray dragon said.
"It's okay, but I probably deserve to be scared by you since I scared you." Spyro said.
Then Spyro turned and looked straight ahead, looking at the defeated Overtrolls and started talking about his past, and while Spyro wasn't looking, the gray dragon looked straight ahead and then turned around and flew off.
And Spyro was still talking, "...And I am a Skylander now, and now is my duty to fight evil and help anyone in need! So, would you like to join the Skylanders?"
Then Spyro turned right to see that the gray dragon was gone, and said, "Where did he go? Did he had to go somewhere else? I will probably see him again! I want to ask him if he wants to join the Skylanders, but I will ask him if I see him again."
Then Spyro looked and all of the Undertrolls and Overtrolls were gone but nobody was coming out.
"This is odd," Spyro said to himself, "The citizens should have come out of the their houses, so why I don't see any citizens?"
Then Spyro heard a sound of fighting and walked along the street and stopped at a construction site and then flew to the top of a crane and landed on it and looked down at the construction site and saw thugs. The Red Loms, The Blue Loms, The Green Loms, The Yellow Loms, The Orange Loms, The Pink Loms, The Purple Loms, The Brown Loms, The White Loms, The Black Loms, and The Gray Loms.
"The weapons belong to us!" The Red Loms, The Blue Loms, The Green Loms, The Yellow Loms, The Orange Loms, The Pink Loms, The Purple Loms, The Brown Loms, The White Loms, The Black Loms, and The Gray Loms said.
All of thugs were arguing about who gets the weapons.
Then all of the thugs started fighting.
Then Spyro jumped and landed inside the construction site and called the thugs, "Hey, Red Loms, Blue Loms, Green Loms, Yellow Loms, Orange Loms, Pink Loms, Purple Loms, Brown Loms, White Loms, Black Loms, and Gray Loms! Those weapons belong to neither one of you groups!"
All of thugs turned and looked at Spyro.
"Hey, it's a purple dragon! Get him!" All of the thugs said.
Then all twenty thugs of each group ran to Spyro, and Spyro defeated all twenty thugs of each group, by facing and defeating one in the process. While Spyro was facing the one hundred eighty thugs, the twenty thugs of each group on the top of an unfinished building in front of Spyro were aiming at Spyro until the gray dragon sneaked up on them, and defeated all one hundred eighty thugs, making them fall down from the building and onto the floor. The gray dragon did the same thing with the other twenty thugs from each group on the top of the other three unfinished buildings.
Then after defeating all one hundred eighty thugs, a thug that was taller than the other thugs came up to Spyro.
"So, I've been hearing that a purple dragon has been messing with my Gray Loms," this thug said.
"So, you must be the Leader Of The Gray Loms!" Spyro growled.
"That I am," The Gray Loms Leader replied, "I am Herman!"
"Now, prepare to lose!" Herman said.
Then Spyro fought Herman, with him attacking Herman with his fire breath and dodging Herman's machine gun's bullets. While the fight occurred, the gray dragon jumped and landed on the floor and faced Herman's machine gun and pointed his hands on it, and opened his mouth. After a rough fight, Herman was weakened but not defeated. Herman was impressed, "I must say that I am impressed but this is the end for you, purple dragon!" Herman said. "I will never give up because I am Skylander!" Spyro said. Then the gray dragon shot gray water from his hands and mouth and the attacks headed for the machine gun.
"But how are you supposed to win if you can't get close to me?" Herman asked.
"I can't." Spyro said.
"So, that means that you should just give up and..." Herman said, before the gray water attacks hit his machine gun, and sent the machine gun flying straight into a wall and destroying it.
Then the gray dragon flew and landed in front of Spyro, facing Herman.
"You!" Herman shouted.
Then the gray dragon fought and defeated Herman. As Herman tried to get up, he was approached by the gray dragon.
"Herman!" The gray dragon shouted.
"I thought I told you to stop your criminals way especially the rivalry with other gangs!" The gray dragon shouted.
"Sorry, but we need these weapons!" Herman protested.
"Sorry, but these weapons are not allowed to be in any one of the Loms' hands including yours! Now leave!" The gray dragon shouted.
Then Herman left the area with a smoke ball.
The gray dragon turned around and faced Spyro, and asked him, "Are you okay?"
Spyro was grateful for the gray dragon's help but was still angry at him for leaving, but decided to let it go, and answered, "Yes, I am!
The gray dragon made an apologetic face and asked, "What is your name, purple dragon?"
Spyro noticed the gray dragon's apologetic face and answered, "I'm Spyro! And what's your name, gray dragon?"
The gray dragon just laughed at this and then stopped laughing and then answered, "I'm Gush!"
"So, Gush, are you the one who saves this village from the Undertrolls and the Overtrolls?" Spyro asked.
"Yes, I am!" Gush answered.
"And how about the thugs that belong to different groups?" Spyro asked.
"I also deal with them!" Gush answered.
"How long have you dealt with the Undertrolls, the Overtrolls, and thugs?" Spyro asked.
"Almost every week!" Gush answered.
Then Gush made his apologetic face.
"Sorry for leaving, Spyro, but I had to go to Rockwind City and Airsteel City to defeat twenty more Overtrolls in each of the two cities," Gush apologized.
"It's okay, Gush," Spyro said, until he realized what Gush said, "Wait, did you just say that you go to Rockwind City and Airsteel City to defeat more Overtrolls?"
"Yes, I did," Gush answered, "And not just Overtrolls, also Undertrolls, and the thugs that you were fighting now."
"I see." Spyro said.
"Now, if you'll excuse me," Gush said, "I better go investigate the other areas to make sure that there aren't any thugs in the other areas."
Then Gush flew off and Spyro laughed and was amazed at the gray dragon's actions, and said, "That Gush is really amazing since he dealt with all of the crimes of the three cities on Dawndusk Island and he is still doing it. I want to ask Gush if he wants to join the Skylanders but he's pretty busy, so I will just look and walk around to find any more evil."
Then Spyro turned around and flew up into the air and landed back in the street that he was on before facing the thugs and then turned left and then looked and walked around until he saw a Mabu who was panicking.
Then Spyro walked up to him and asked, "What's wrong?"
The Mabu looked at Spyro, and answered, "The Dangergoblins have kidnapped the people and have taken them to their secret hideout and are holding them hostage!"
"Where is the Dangergoblins's secret hideout?" Spyro asked.
"At end of the street just past the Huge Village Square and the second Village Square which is a restaurant!" The Mabu answered.
"Don't worry, I will save them!" Spyro said.
Then Spyro ran to the Huge Village Square and then ran to the second Village Square and then ran to the restaurant at the end of the street. It was a Sakura Buffet Restaurant.
"So, this is a Sakura Buffet Restaurant! This must be where the Dangergoblins where hiding! I better go inside!" Spyro said to himself.
Then Spyro walked and pushed the doors opened, and entered the Sakura Buffet Restaurant.
When Spyro entered the Sakura Buffet Restaurant, he couldn't see any people or Dangergoblins in there.
Then Spyro looked around, and said, "I don't see any Dangergoblins here, but I will look again!"
Then Spyro looked again until he saw something that was at the end of Sakura Buffet Restaurant.
Then Spyro walked up closer and saw a door with a vent above it. Then Spyro walked to the door.
"So, there is a door here," Spyro said, "The Dangergoblins must behind this door! So, I will open it!"
Spyro was about to open the door until he was stopped by Gush, who had entered the Sakura Buffet Restaurant thirty minutes ago, who asked, "What do you think you are doing, Spyro?"
This made Spyro turned around and looked at Gush.
"I was about to open the door to enter the Dangergobins's Secret Hideout," Spyro answered, "Why did you stop me?"
"Because that is dangerous and I wouldn't go open or go through the door if I were you," Gush answered.
"Then what will you do?" Spyro asked.
"I will go through the vent above the door!" Gush answered.
"But isn't it wrong?" Spyro asked.
"Well, it is but I will tell you why we have to do this later when we go inside the vent," Gush answered.
Then Gush flew to the vent and opened it while Spyro turned around and faced the door.
Then Spyro flew to the wall and clawed it and he was below the vent. Then Spyro went inside the vent. Then Gush flew to the wall and clawed it and he was below the vent. Then Gush went inside the vent. Then Gush crawled up next to Spyro on his right.
Then Spyro and Gush crawled to where there was another vent and they looked through, and saw a Dangergoblin threatening a person.
Then Spyro and Gush turned their heads to each other.
"Why do we have to sneak in through the vent?" Spyro asked.
"Because the Dangergoblins set up alarms in their lairs and if you had opened the door, then it will have set an alarm go on and once the Dangergoblins hear the alarm, they will kill the hostages!" Gush answered.
Spyro nodded and said, "Thanks for stopping me or otherwise, I would have failed my mission!" Spyro said.
"Mission?" Gush asked.
"I am a Skylander, and I was sent here by Eon to deal with evil and that is my mission!" Spyro answered.
"Okay," Gush said, interested in the topic but was more focused on saving the people.
"So, how long have you been infiltrating villains' hideouts to save people?" Spyro asked in a soft voice..
"Almost every week!" Gush answered, but in a soft voice.
"Okay," Spyro said.
Then Spyro thought to himself, 'Gush is a great dragon! He infiltrates villains' hideouts and deal with the crimes in all of the three cities! He also more focused on saving the people! He would make excellent Skylander!'
Then Gush opened the vent by pushing it softly, and then crawled backwards next to Spyro and told him, "That you will have to sneak up on the Dangergoblins and if you make any noise, then the Dangergoblins will kill the hostages! Just watch me and then do what I do!"
Then Spyro crawled up beside the vent on the left side and then turned right. Then Gush crawled beside the vent on the right side and then turned left. Then Gush crawled in through the vent and onto the ceiling and then crawled on the ceiling and then crawled on the wall and then jumped down and landed quietly on the floor. Then Gush snuck up to the Dangergoblin and did a stealth takedown and defeating the Dangergoblin and saving the hostage.
Then after the hostage cheered for Gush rescuing her, Gush accepted the compliment, and then Gush turned and a gave a wink to Spyro.
Then Spyro crawled into the vent and onto the ceiling and then crawled on the ceiling and then crawled on the wall and then jumped down and landed on the floor quietly. Then Spyro snuck up to the Dangergoblin and did a stealth takedown and defeating the Dangergoblin and saving the hostage. Then Gush turned to Spyro.
Then after the hostage cheered for Spyro rescuing her, Spyro looked back at Gush with a smile, and was grateful for learning how to be sneaky. Then Spyro and Gush sneaked up on the other eighteen goblins, and doing stealth takedowns and defeating the goblins and saving all the hostages. Then once all of the Dangergoblins were defeated, Spyro and Gush walked to the end of the hideout and turned and faced straight ahead and saw that were two big doors in front of them.
"So what's behind these doors?" Spyro asked.
"Behind these doors is the hallway that leads to the Leader Of The Dangergoblins and his name is Vaultan!" Gush answered.
Spyro nodded, and said, "I see."
"But first we will have to let these people out and now we can open the door that we should not have opened before!" Gush exclaimed.
Then Gush and Spyro turned around and then Gush and Spyro walked to the door and then Gush opened the door and then all of the people that were hostages ran out of the lair and then ran out of the restaurant. When the people ran through the door, the alarm rang and this made twenty goblins rammed through the doors, opening them in the process which made the Spyro and Gush turned around.
"Where are the hostages?" The Dangergoblins that came in through the doors asked as they looked around.
"What happened to the other twenty Dangergoblins?" The Dangergoblins asked as they looked around again before looking straight.
Then the Dangergoblins noticed Spyro and Gush, "It's the annoying Gush and now he has a friend that is a purple dragon! They must have saved the hostages!"
"This is why we should open the door now!" Gush said to Spyro, "Because now we can fight them regularly just like we did with the Undertrolls and Overtrolls and Loms!"
"I can't wait to battle these Dangergoblins regularly!" Spyro said to Gush.
"Well, then you're in luck," Gush said, "Because we are going to battle now!"
"Let's do this!" Spyro said.
Spyro and Gush fought the Dangergoblins, each facing ten of them. Spyro used his fire breath on five of the group that he was facing individually and then he used his water breath on the other five of the group that he was facing individually while Gush used his earth breath on five of the group that he was facing individually and then he used his gray water breath on the other five of the group that he was facing individually. Once they defeated all of the Dangergoblins, Spyro and Gush walked to the end of the hideout and stopped in front of the opened the opened doors and now they were ready to face the Leader Of The Dangergoblins named Vaultan.
"We are now ready to face the Leader Of Dangergoblins who is named Vaultan!" Gush said.
"I can't wait to see him to defeat him!" Spyro said.
"Then let's go!" Gush said.
Then Spyro and Gush walked through the doors and walked down the hallway and stopped in front of two doors. Then the two doors opened. Then Spyro and Gush walked through the doors and entered the room.
When they entered the room, the room was dark and then lit up. Then the two doors behind them closed and there was Vaultan on the throne and then he stood up.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Vaultan laughed.
"Well, if isn't the gray dragon Gush and he brought his friend, the purple dragon Spyro, to battle me!" Vaultan exclaimed.
"You have a lot of nerve for kidnapping people and holding them hostage!" Spyro growled.
"I've did this for almost every week!" Vaultan said, "Right Gush?"
"Which is what makes me mad!" Gush growled.
"And how do you know my name?!" Spyro growled.
"I've heard about it from listening in the Undertrolls' conversations!" Vaultan answered.
"You love to do this stuff but you are not going to this stuff anymore because we are going to defeat you!" Gush growled.
Then Vaultan walked down until he got to the bottom of the stairs.
"Let's see if what you say is true! Then come and battle me!" Vaultan said.
Then Spyro and Gush did their fighting stance and began to fight Vaultan. Spyro used his fire breath on him, and then Spyro dodged Vaultan's attack and it took ten times for Vaultan to be deeply hurt by Spyro's fire breath. Then Spyro used his water breath on him, and then Spyro dodged Vaultan's attack and it took ten times for Vaultan to be deeply hurt by Spyro's water breath. Then Gush attacked Vaultan with his earth breath and then Gush dodged Vaultan's attack and this occurred for ten times until Vaultan was deeply wounded. Then Gush attacked Vaultan with his mud breath and then Gush dodged Vaultan's attack and this occurred for ten times until Vaultan was deeply wounded.
Spyro and Gush were getting tired.
"That armor he has is making him take less damage," Spyro said, "If only there was something that could destroy the armor, then we can defeat him!"
"Actually there is something that we have that can destroy his armor," Gush said, "And that is my gray water breath and beams!"
Gush shot out gray water from his mouth and hands and the attacks hit Vaultan's armor, destroying it in the process.
"Not my armor!" Vaultan exclaimed, "It took a long time for me to make it!"
Then Spyro and Gush used their fire and earth breath together on Vaultan and that seriously injured him. And then Spyro and Gush used their water and mud breath together on Vaultan and that seriously injured him. Then Spyro did a finisher of ten attacks which seriously injured Vaultan. Then Gush did a finisher of thirty attacks; ten attacks when he was on the ground and then he sent Vaultan flying into the air after the tenth attack, and then Gush attacked Vaultan ten more times during mid air and then when Vaultan began falling back to the ground, Gush attacked ten more times with the final attack making Vaultan hit the ground so hard, and Vaultan was defeated.
Then Spyro found a button and pressed it, making explosives appeared in front of the Dangergoblins and they exploded, sending the Dangergoblins far away.
"I'll be back!" Vaultan said.
"Finally, the Dangergoblins are gone now," Gush said, "They were the most bothersome bunch to get rid off, and now they're gone!"
"Let's go outside!" Gush said. Then Spyro and Gush flew out of the opening in the ceiling and headed back and landed in front of the Sakura Buffet Restaurant.
There were many Mabu and People cheering for the dragons and said, "Hooray for Gush and the purple dragon!"
"Can you please call the purple dragon by his name which is Spyro?" Gush asked.
The citizens nodded and said, "Hooray for Gush and Spyro!"
"You're welcome," Gush and Spyro replied, "We are always happy to help."
Then the citizens went to their places where they worked.
Then when they were alone, Spyro and Gush turned their heads to each other.
"Do you have rewards for helping others?" Spyro asked.
"Rewards? Why would I want rewards for helping others?" Gush asked back, "I just help others because it's the right thing to do and it feels good!"
"Then why were you complaining about the Dangergoblins?" Spyro asked.
"Oh, that relates to my personal problem!" Gush answered.
"You have a personal problem?" Spyro asked.
"Yes, I do," Gush answered, "In fact, why don't you follow me so you can understand it?"
Then Gush and Spyro turned their heads straight and then turned around. Then Gush flew off and Spyro flew off after him, and then Gush flew off to a mountain with Spyro following him. Then Gush and Spyro got close to the mountain then they stopped and landed in front of a cave. This mountain reminded Spyro of his home back at Windy Mountain.
"This is the Rocky Mountain!" Gush said, "And this cave is my home! Let's go inside!"
Then Gush went inside and Spyro followed him, shocked to find out what was inside the cave. In the cave, there was six pillows for a bed and six torches for light. It was just like Spyro's home except that there was a picture on the end of the cave, showing two bigger gray dragons with Gush in there.
Then Spyro walked up to the picture containing the dragons.
Then Gush walked up beside Spyro.
"Who are these dragons besides you in the picture?" Spyro asked.
"Those are my parents!" Gush answered.
"Parents?" Spyro asked.
"Yeah, they are my parents," Gush answered.
"When was the picture taken?" Spyro asked.
"That picture was taken when I was four years old." Gush answered.
"So what happened during your childhood?" Spyro asked.
"Well, I lived my parents here until one day they had to leave when I was six years old and they never returned and that day was March 3, 1994," Gush said, sadly.
"So, I've been living by myself pretty much ever since that day," Gush said, sadly.
Spyro felt bad for Gush since he had a family but they left, probably to prevent their own son from getting into danger, unlike him who had no family that he lived with or even knew about them.
"I understand how you feel," Spyro said.
"You do?" Gush asked.
"I do except the only difference is that I never lived in with my parents or even knew about them, back at my cave at Windy Mountain," Spyro said.
Gush was shocked to hear that the Spyro had lived in his cave for a long time on his own without living with his parents or without knowing his parents.
"So, I understand that what it feels like to live alone," Spyro said.
"Thanks for understanding," Gush said.
"Oh, I missed my parents! Are they safe? Are they trapped? Oh, if there was something that I could do to find them and make sure that they are safe, is there?" Gush asked, worrying for his parents.
Spyro wondered what he could do to cheer Gush up and then he decided that there was only one thing that Gush could do. "Gush, there is only one thing that you could do," Spyro said, "Become a Skylander."
Gush was surprised at this, and asked, "Me? A Skylander? But why?"
"If you become a Skylander, Gush, then you could not only fight evil, but you can also find your parents," Spyro said.
Gush wondered, and said in amazement, "A Skylander..."
"Would you become a Skylander and help me fight evil?" Spyro asked.
"I would love to become a Skylander and help you fight evil, Spyro!"' Gush said.
Spyro's heart gave a leap; he finally recruited his first Skylander.
Sixty Minutes Later...
After that discussion, Spyro and Gush exited Gush's home and then walked and stopped in front of a forest and then Spyro was figuring out how to get back to the Citadel. This amused Gush as he watched the purple dragon's failed attempts. Spyro was pacing back and forth in front of Gush muttering a few words to himself as he tried to think of how to get back home.
"Maybe I can fly back and Gush could fly there, but that is too far away and Gush doesn't even know where it is. Maybe if we can get a ride... Who would come here?" Spyro muttered to himself.
Gush chuckled, "Might as well try to yell out at Master Eon to teleport us back."
Spyro froze and looked up to Gush with a smile, "Worth a try!"
Then the purple dragon looked up to the sky, "Master Eon, I'm ready to return. With a guest." he hastily finished. After a second, a flash of bright light appeared, and the next thing they knew, they were standing on the Portal Of Power. Gush looked around with an awed expression; taking in the sights of the Skylanders's base. Master Eon walked from his building and up to the duo, smiling.
"I see you brought a new Skylander, young dragon," He said softly. Then speaking to Gush, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
The gray dragon gave a nervous smile, "The pleasure is all mine, Master Eon."
"Now, for the ceremony," emphasized Eon as he hit the floor with his staff.
"Ceremony?" Spyro asked aloud, as the Earth Element emerged from Eon's staff.
Eon nodded, "When a Skylander joins, he must go through this ceremony to become a full fledged member."
"So, why didn't I do this ceremony?" Spyro questioned confusedly.
"You were the first Skylander, young dragon. So you were an exception because of that." Eon answered.
He turned to Gush, who was standing up straight. "Name?" Eon asked gently.
"Gush," the gray dragon claimed boldly.
"Gush," Eon exclaimed, "You are now Captain Of Earth."
Then Gush turned his head to the sky and blasted a mud ball up into the sky and it exploded like a firework as a celebration. Spyro laughed; This was only the start of a long adventure, and he was liking it already.

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