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November 1993, the second day of the third week of November, five pm. A school day.

At least for people who are too fabulous in class, so they have to go to detention! Like me. My day went through its normal boring routine, when I was sent to detention. That is when things started to go downhill. After all, the reason I was in detention was that someone framed me for being a bully. In addition, since every single person in the school is a big asshole, like most middle schools in this country, no one lent me a hand.

The person I was framed to be bullying is one of the absolute nicest kids in school. He had the nickname "Angel of Kindness", which he absolutely deserved. His real name was Mitchel Schmidt, which sounds like a butchered version of Michael. His friends were the ones who framed me and because I, a beautiful girl with awesome style, had made fun of his little sister before, he had not even lifted a finger to save me! All he said was, "Sorry buddy, but that isn't happening", with such a sorry and guilty look (It was also a bit angry, of course).

As he is one of the kindest people in the school, I wonder why he always uses make-up to cover scars and bruises. He has more than I want to count, and none of his friends notices it! I am still surprised about the fact that he is so absolutely kind and respectful. If I were in his situation, I would probably be an asshole to everyone...

After an hour of being in one of the most boring places ever with even more boring nerds and geeks, I was distracted by sounds in the distance. There were screams, scratches, and gunshots. Yet, I did not mind it, because it belonged to my normal daily routine. I sat in the detention room for what felt like hours. After a while, I noticed that none of the geeks and nerds came back. I assumed that there might be some kind of performance going on. However, there was not anything scheduled for today, but oh boy, was I wrong. I ignored my horrific gut feeling about the situation and decided to go and look for them. However, the second I stepped out of the detention room everything went black.

Now that I look back on that moment, I noticed how stupid I was back then, like blood 'n ashes! You should not just go out of a safe place, like the detention room, when there might be aschool shooting going on. Yet, naive 15-year old I thought it was agood idea and did so. My stupidity back then might have saved spirits from becoming broken, although I am not very sure of it.  

2. The "bad guy"

The handsome man in the cloak began to curse; he was 6 feet tall and looked like a sweet cinnamon roll. He had cute chummy baby cheeks and a smile like a fallen angel. In spite of having a big and troublesome body, he moved swiftly and he held an immature looking girl with an awful clothing style in his arms. He had just knocked this girl out.

That was when he remembered his mission. Being the big asshole he was, he looked at her, smirked in an unacceptable way, took her with him and hurried out of the building. There, his comrades took the girl from him and laid her and others next to other people. They all appeared to be sleeping. They looked like they were chosen randomly, but they did all have one single similarity.
The man turned away from the sleeping dead and walked over to a nice looking dark blue BMW. When he stepped in, the driver welcomed him and told him he had done a good job and they would go now: to the next school. If he kept up the good work, they would find her eventually. He added with a mix of seriousness and gallows humour, that he would rather find her sooner than later: "because otherwise he will have all our heads". While the car drove away, the driver did not notice the security camera of the school, through which a full team of FBI People, one professional hacker and his best friend stood watching.

3. The "detective"

Five minutes earlier...

I was enjoying my delicious cake for the first time in two very long hours, when I suddenly got a call from the team. They told me I had to come to the camera room, because something was going on in one of the middle schools next town. They told me it was a school shooting – I replied that this was actually pretty normal and nothing to worry about. In addition, we could let the FBI handle it. My team then told me that it was the suspect middle school in this town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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