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After their introductions, Whirl settled back in her seat as her dad stood in the front of the room.

"Okay, hey class, I am professer Whirl." To emphasize this fact, Whirl's father pulled a mini-human graduation cap out of no where and plopped it on his head. "Today, we will be discussing the terrifying crimes and mutilations done by functionists."

"Now, does anyone know about the process know about the process known as empurata?"

None of the rescue bots raised their hands, although Whirl herself obviously knew what it was.

"Well, empurata involves doing forced-surgery on a bot. They take your head, and often hands. And, even worse, they'll usually take away a bot's personality, emotions, and memories. I was luckily spared that part of the treatment." Whirl explained.

"Wait, you had empurata done on you?" Hotshot gasped.

"Yep, I was too cool for the Cybertron council." Whirl said as he stroke a pose. "Ow! My back struts! Anyway...yes I was forced to undergo empurata, ruining my career as a clock and watch fixer."

"How did it ruin your career?" Medix asked.

"Look at these hand...claws. I can not reach into a time space and turn some tine gears with these hands." Whirl said.

"Why did the council do empurata?" Hoist asked.

"Well, they did it to civilians they deemed to be threats, political threats, and people who went against them." Whirl explained. "I was in the first category. Another well-known bot was in the second." Whirl paused for dramatic effect. "Shockwave."

Gasps erupted from the students.

"That always gets them!" Whirl cried. "Anyway, by the time of the war, the process had mostly stopped, more due to battles taking up time than good morals. Nowadays, empurata is basically gone, but we should always be on the lookout for bots oddly having their heads and hands replaced. Class dismissed!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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